SMH Article

Techno Destructo

Riding In Peace
Y'know... I think violence is really stupid, but when I read that article...

If only somebody gave me the address to that guy's house, or at least where he keeps his car...

"any rise (in people cycling to work) would reduce demand for public transport, not cars." WTF?!?


Staff member
Yeah, I think alot of what was said in that article wasn't very well thought out... I agree it is a problem, I spent a few days in sydney cbd and witnessed some pretty hairy moments with bicyclists and buses coming quite close etc. I'm not sure what should be done about it... really, liscences and registration is a pathetically stupid idea. I dont know what acid trip that person was on when they wrote that bit of garble. Anyhow.. back to work.


I think the SMH has seriously lost the plot in the last 6 months, gone from being what I regarded as Australia's best and most balanced daily broadsheet paper to a card-carrying, right-wing, government-supporting, war-cheerleading piece of shite. All that article needed was the line "goddamn hippies" and it would be complete. How anyone could rationalise that more cyclists would increase the demand for public transport is beyond my grasp, this is idiocy in the extreme.

Techno Destructo

Riding In Peace

I'm pretty sure the person who wrote that article is the type of person who rode a bicycle until he got a driving licence, and never looked back. Or maybe was never given a bicycle (or taught how to ride one) by his shitty parents.

Y'all know the kind... people who regard bikes as "toys for little kids" and nothing more. And the worse thing is... there is no way to argue with them. Ya might as well get into a theological argument...


Likes Bikes
Ill tell you what I hate though is cyclist that ride on the road even though there is a perfectly good bike track off the road. The government lots of money building a track and they dont use it, it seems they do this just to fustrate people.

Can you tell me the lodgic in doing this?

Techno Destructo

Riding In Peace
I suppose it depends on the bike path. If it takes twice as long for me to get to work on the bike path than it does on the road... I'm taking the road.

Or if it's a really crappy bike path, like potholes and such...

OR... if it's a "shared" bike path, like the one in Manly, where pedestrians are allowed on it as well... It seems that nobody pays attention to the center line or arrows on the path, walk in groups spread out over the whole path, or just walk out from behind a tree without checking if anybody is coming first... Screw that.

The Manly bike path ranges from being pointless slow (because of the reasons I mentioned before) to being just plain dangerous. AND this is while there's a pedestrian-only path right beside the bike path!

There's other paths that are awesome, and I use everyday to get to work... but some really suck.


There's a similar problem in Brisbane along the Coro Drive bikeway, although in this case I'd say more problems are caused by cyclists than pedestrians. It's a dual use path as well and while it can get pretty crowded there's never been a day I've had any real problems negotiating it, what does cause problems however are roadies who decide to tear along the path at race pace, down on the drops like they're in fucking le-tour. I've seen so many near misses because of this sort of ignorance it's not funny, people need to realise that dual use paths are gonna have walkers on them and slow down when it's needed.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Ryan: I used to ride along coro drive all the time when i lived in brisbane. I got abused by alot of road guys cause i was whippin past them on my hardtail. So theyd fully chase after me, sit on my wheel and say shit like "dont ever fuckin do that to me again". So some quick breaking and theyd have to swerve past me and id laugh so hard. thats why i hate roadie fags.

Techno Destructo

Riding In Peace
Yeah... Actually, now that I think of it, there isn't any pedestrian markings on the bike path in Manly, just bikes and in-line skaters... so maybe the pedestrians aren't even supposed to be on it...

Doesn't matter anyhow. Pedestrians will walk where they'll walk... and signs don't matter.

BTW... I also walk places and drive a car as well, so I'm in all camps... I just prefer to bike over those other two options if I can...


Likes Dirt
Having had to be part of QLd Transport bicycle advisory committee, I can tell you that the govt is spending alot of money on planning bike use in metro areas. Unfortunatley most of this is spent on tea, coffee and cake as well as flash powerpoint presentations on what they would like to do if they had a magic wand and entering QT staff in those big week long touring events.

There are some good ideas that come out of it to improve bike path usage but 9 times out of 10 they get caught up in local or state govt red tape.

Riding a bike around London is great, the cars are often going slower than you and when there not they actually respect dedicated bike lanes (with the green paint like in west end) which are everywhere.