NSW Sold


]Item: [/b] astrix huckster frame
Location: lismore nsw
Price range/Willing to Pay: depends on condition
Extra Info: large is good, working condition.
Reason for needing : I am a dickhead for selling mine.
Gratuitous photo:
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franco cozzo

Likes Dirt
hey safreek...was at cyclingdeal this arvo and they still have one astrix stryke still on display and i assume available for sale.
dont know if the frame suits but giving you a headsup anyway just in case its not on their website (i havent checked) or if you didnt know it was available...

...also why the fuck did you sell yours? :D


hey safreek...was at cyclingdeal this arvo and they still have one astrix stryke still on display and i assume available for sale.
dont know if the frame suits but giving you a headsup anyway just in case its not on their website (i havent checked) or if you didnt know it was available...

...also why the fuck did you sell yours? :D
I think Burt was sick at the time, if not I sold it because I am a fool, and for soooo cheap.

He just said "don't blame me mofo "


Spongeplank Dalepantski

$800 in lismore!




$800 in lismore!

View attachment 372110
Damn, in lismore and all. Probably stolen at that price anyway. That face should be of a clown, only a clown would of sold that bike.. Must if had a good reason