Student shoots self with starter pistol


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FuTAnT said:
Anyhoo, there was a guy in there who tried to blow his brains out, but it didn't work. He succeeded in blowing his face off his skull, and actually died 2 weeks later from the absis that was created when one of his teeth lodged in his brain.

Now that's gotta suck!!
AHAAH! funny story.

"About 30 students left the grounds on foot holding hands or hugging their friends."
Stupid Americans.

But then we really don't understand the situation at all. Now that I think about it, I could see how it could be a very serious one...

2 smooth

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FuTAnT said:
Anyhoo, there was a guy in there who tried to blow his brains out, but it didn't work. He succeeded in blowing his face off his skull, and actually died 2 weeks later from the absis that was created when one of his teeth lodged in his brain.

Now that's gotta suck!!
HAHAHA!! Death by tooth!