Sydney Family Friendly Pubs


Likes Dirt
Hi all,

Getting older, and finding more and more mates married/with kids who can't always get away. In an effort to include the family and boost participation I'm looking for some decent family friendly pubs.
Anywhere on the coast from Cronulla to Manly. I guess a good spot would have plenty of room, some equipment for the kids to play on (??)

Any ideas/ suggestions




Eats Squid
The Coogee Bay Hotel seems to have everything else in it so i wouldn't be surprised if they've got a creche hidden away somewhere...
I spent 1/2 my youth at the coogee bay (the other half at the now Beach Road in Bondi, was The Rex when I was a kid), it used to have a rad climbing tree in the middle of the beer garden that my brother and I and our friends would make believe was a spaceship...but I digress.

The Petersham Bowling Club & the Concordia Cub in Tempe (AKA The German CLub). Two best family friendly places in Sydney. Cheap, good foood, good beer (german beer at Concordia DAB, Spaten etc on tap), and Petersham Brewing & Rocks Brewing co beers on tap at the PBC. Kids can play on the bowling greens at both places, take frisbees or whateever.



Captain Critter!
Newport Arms, bit out of the way I know, but easily the best beer garden in Sydney, overlooking Pittwater. Has a pretty good series of playgrounds, three of them I think. They always have the footy or some kind of sport on the big screen right next to the playgrounds, so you can basically down beers with your mates whilst keeping an eye on the kids.
