Teenager killed, hit by a car last night


Eats Squid
Fucking rough story.

Are you going to take your own advice?
nitrous to burn, kavoosh...thats what i was trying to say...tristan23 was just being more direct than i was.

kavoosh, u ramble on about how hard this has hit u blah blah blah but ur still going to do drugs...moron.


Eats Squid
I heard about this today at school. He was coming home from a party in Beacon Hill which a couple of my mates were at, and he was hit by a L plater, who had no plates, no licsense and was seriously intoxicated. Taibo, if you have a problem about a guy who is showing his relisation of how drugs can really fuck up your lives, fuck off. Yes i know their are worse things like the bushfires, but these things need to be seen aswell. Just cut the kid some slack. If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say it at all.
i have cut this kid some slack, but he remains to make an ass out of himself. If he has realised how damaging drugs can be and continues to do it...doesnt that say something?

its one thing to be ignorant but another to know/understand/realise/bit hit "hard" by the reality of it and continue to do it.


Likes Dirt
I don't drink anymore, I've been off it for aaages now.

Saved me a lot of typing Spot on
Waking up covered in someonelses blood wondering if you killed someone... Now thats a good look!


I'm now proud to say that was another life!

Turn it round kiddies get off the program. Make you own decisions and stick by them. Dunno how many times I could have strangled some dickhead that offers me a drink and after I tell them I don't drink they insist "Go On just have one It won't hurt" or " Whats wrong with ya"

hard enough for you to stay off the stupid drugs? once again you have shown what a farkin idiot you are.

hugh/mongoosedh/sandtastic/kavoosh/????, you've got shit for brains.

you really need to reboot yourself and delete all that stored crap in your head and start again!

Name calling woun't bring your mate back but just to make the pain go away go have a drink........:rolleyes: YES sarcasm YOU KNOW THE OUTCOMES
Your choice as to what happens next no one elses....

Stop this tragic loss, I for years was a part of the problem but now I try where ever I can to be part of the solution. Use this expierance to help others change the culture . Yes Culture deeply ingrained within out society, weed this disease out and STOP THIS SHIT!

End Rant!


Likes Dirt
^^^ So true. well said,
The more people getting out of the alchohol & drug culture the better off everyone will be. working all week, then comes weekend getting absolutely shitfaced isn't good.
That's why so many people have drepression & are so mentally unstable without even knowing it.

positive drug free mind, positive living, leads to an almost hassle free lifestyle.

I may be a pussy for not drinking anymore according to some people, but atleast I know exactly what i'm doing with my life,


Likes Dirt
^^^ So true. well said,
The more people getting out of the alchohol & drug culture the better off everyone will be. working all week, then comes weekend getting absolutely shitfaced isn't good.
That's why so many people have drepression & are so mentally unstable without even knowing it.

positive drug free mind, positive living, leads to an almost hassle free lifestyle.

I may be a pussy for not drinking anymore according to some people, but atleast I know exactly what i'm doing with my life,
Na I was already mentally unstable..Heh heh heh

Fark the clowns that feel to be an individual you got to go with the crowd... Hmmm must be the same as taking a depressant to fell happier...

As for Pussies I'm not one for name calling but what would be concidered being a pussy ( By today's standard ) Standing up for what you really believe in or just downing some Eccy, Bourbon, Ajax, ICE or GBH or whetever is going at the time, just to pretend you cool. FUCK! that dare to be yourself without pussing out and relying on drugs (Alcohol is a drug by the way) to fool youself you're the ducks guts on the dance floor or a tough guy on the street with the "Creds " to prove it.

Again the death was tragic and NOW it's your choice to improve it..

Go to the next party and get off an anything you want, watch another mate die because of it. This will now be on your shoulders YES your part of the problem and everyone of your mate that die YOU HELPED!

Harsh YES but that's just the way it is


End Rant 2..


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Fuck the last few posters in this thread. Fuck you.

"Drop a couple of pills and pretend to be cool?"

You don't think that maybe, just maybe, we do the drugs because they FEEL GOOD?! And maybe they're FUN?!

Please, please don't say "You're a loser if you need drugs to have fun." We don't need to. We enjoy them, but we don't need them.

Leave Kavoosh alone. It's not the drugs that kill people, it's the stupid fucking things that people do on/with them that kill people.

And please, PLEASE stop the anti-recreational-drug preaching. It's really annoying.
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Likes Bikes and Dirt
Make you own decisions and stick by them.
Sorry to double post, but seriously.

You tell us to make our own decisions, then bombard us with your anti-drugs bitchings.

dare to be yourself without pussing out and relying on drugs (Alcohol is a drug by the way) to fool youself you're the ducks guts on the dance floor or a tough guy on the street with the "Creds " to prove it.
"Think for yourself! But don't do any drugs because they're all bad and will kill you!"


Farkin guerilla
Leave Kavoosh alone. It's not the drugs that kill people, it's the stupid fucking things that people do on/with them that kill people.
That statement truly shows your lack of age and maturity. You couldn't have contradicted yourself any more.

I'm not going to leave Kavoosh alone (or you, now) because you guys are obviously too young, too stupid, and too naive to be left to your own devices. Kavoosh yells at us all 'Don't do drugs and alcohol', then in his very next post clearly states he doesn't know whether he's going to give them up. I mean, fuck, at least SAY you'll give them up if you don't want e-people on your back...


Likes Bikes and Dirt
That statement truly shows your lack of age and maturity. You couldn't have contradicted yourself any more.

I'm not going to leave Kavoosh alone (or you, now) because you guys are obviously too young, too stupid, and too naive to be left to your own devices. Kavoosh yells at us all 'Don't do drugs and alcohol', then in his very next post clearly states he doesn't know whether he's going to give them up. I mean, fuck, at least SAY you'll give them up if you don't want e-people on your back...
All I can say is... That sentence read better in my head.

Just FYI, a post on an internet forum, although it's all you have to judge people from here by, until you actually meet them, really isn't a great measure of maturity. I post some stupid, stupid stuff on here, which I'd probably never say in real life and, as for the measure of age well, I'm 16, so I guess that's right, too.

You're only 19 though, aren't you man? That's just a bit more than 2 years older than me. While you do come across as being far more mature than me on the forum, I'd like to think that we'd get along in RL.

And Re: Voosh's posts in the thread; I didn't read the whole thread.
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Likes Dirt
Someone's age and particularly their maturity is better derived from what they do and say rather than simply number. There's quite a difference between you when you look at it that way, kid.


I post some stupid, stupid stuff on here, which I'd probably never say in real life and, as for the measure of age well, I'm 16, so I guess that's right, too.
Ah, so what you are actually saying is that we should ignore everything you ever say on here, because all you post is just stupid shit.;)

Smacks said:
It's not the drugs that kill people, it's the stupid fucking things that people do on/with them that kill people.
Reading that, well, yes, what you post on here is just stupid dribble.

Grow up kid, what you post on a forum IS real life. People will treat you at that face value, based on your statements. If all you post is stupid shit, that is all you will be known for.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Ah, so what you are actually saying is that we should ignore everything you ever say on here, because all you post is just stupid shit.;)

Reading that, well, yes, what you post on here is just stupid dribble.

Grow up kid, what you post on a forum IS real life. People will treat you at that face value, based on your statements. If all you post is stupid shit, that is all you will be known for.
Fair enough, but a forum is hardly real life. I, at least, word myself differently and generally post differently to the way I speak. In real life, I'm very non-confronting and laid back, ready to let problems just wash over me. Here, I'm a little different. I'll argue people's points and, if someone post something that displeases me, I'll let them know. Hopefully, if someone meets me in RL, they'll judge me by how I act and what I say then and there, not by the posts I make on an internet forum.

Knopey, I wasn't trying to equate my and Tristan's maturity. He's a fuckload more mature on here than I am!

BM Epic

Eats Squid
Just to put a different slant on things, i have met Kavoosh in real life and find him to be a very different person to what you would gather him to be behind a screen, a pleasant surprise, and i'm 42!


Likes Dirt
Sorry to double post, but seriously.

You tell us to make our own decisions, then bombard us with your anti-drugs bitchings.

"Think for yourself! But don't do any drugs because they're all bad and will kill you!"
I apologise but obviously I'm not young enough to know everything.

and if you go paraphrasing me please get it right. I can't seem to find the quoted line or did you not realise that is what the little "" tingies are for...

Mate go ahead take what you like. I have a pretty good idea how you feel. I speaking from expierance where are you comming from?
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Likes Bikes and Dirt
I apologise but obviously I'm not young enough to know everything.

and if you go paraphrasing me please get it right. I can't seem to find the quoted line or did you not realise that is what the little "" tingies are for...

Mate go ahead take what you like. I have a pretty good idea how you feel. I speaking from expierance where are you comming from?
Haha, where'd I say I knew everything?

Please, mate, just drop it. Someone on the internet has a different opinion to you, leave it at that.