the dslr 50mm challenge


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Following on from the mobile phone challenge, most DSLR photographers will have a 50mm lens so i pose the challenge to you to show your best riding shot and it has to be unedited.

Heres mine, shot with a canon450D w/ 50mm 1.8 lens

Rider is Steve on his Yammy WR250
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Likes Dirt
Will get out in the next week hopefully!

Also, can people post tips and such, like how they went about the photo?
Just an idea.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
can i shoot with my 17-50 at 50mm? i just hurt my ankle badly and need something to do, but no 50mm lense... and no work... so no money to get one :(


Likes Dirt
ok this is one from Australia day

using a canon 550d with a 18-55 lens on it set to fifty

shutter speed 1/1250
aperture f4.8
iso 100

straight off the camera only cause i dont have an editing program haha



Likes Dirt
1st new camera post. I have 2. I'm not sure which one I like more.

Ken at the skatepark. Edit for text.

Zac at the pitch.



Ripe 'n ready!
I will definitely be contributing to this when I get back to Melbourne (currently OS).
Bought my first every D-SLR, I have a canon 500D and also have a 50mm f1.8 prime lens :)

Challenge accepted


Likes Bikes and Dirt

Ok, here's one. Edited. Some RGB Curves adjustment, Contrast raised, and some burning in background. Sounds like a lot, but it's all not too heavy.


Likes Bikes
I've only taken mtb pics on two occasions but I used a 50mm both times.

Adjusted the exposure a bit in Lightroom. Uncropped.

This one's unedited and uncropped.
