DH The Konas (His & Hers)


Likes Dirt
Had these for a little while now, but haven't really gotten around to getting photos of them.
We just got back from Thredbo and had bugs splattered all over the front of the Soobi, so a quick pit-stop at the car wash also made for clean bikes to shoot!

No spec list - as they're both pretty much standard except for a couple of little things here & there... I've taken a break from the custom built scene since snowboarding and photography needs/wants readily assist in deflating my bank account on a regular basis :)

My 07 Stab Supreme
- Softer springs up front & rear


My girlfriend Lisa's 08 Stinky
- Fork springs removed, running air only

Amazing, Fucking amazing (pardon my french)

That stab is so beautiful it brings a tear to my eye,
Great photography,
and her's is a great rig too.

take care of your bikes, and missus ;)
I concur. Both bikes are beautifully finished. Neat and tidy hoses. Sensible upgrades. Well looked-after both. Well done and enjoy!
I concur. Both bikes are beautifully finished. Neat and tidy hoses. Sensible upgrades. Well looked-after both. Well done and enjoy!

Couldn't have said it better.

But to ad to it, On the stinky, change the "KONA" grey to pink. Remove bomber stickers and if needed, replace with pink ones.

EDIT: Question arose in my mind. Who goes faster?
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The 66's feel ok with just air? No super sticky first hit to get them going? I've been waiting for light springs for a little guy here, and we tried one spring and air, felt average at best?
Couldn't have said it better.

But to ad to it, On the stinky, change the "KONA" grey to pink. Remove bomber stickers and if needed, replace with pink ones.

EDIT: Question arose in my mind. Who goes faster?

Considering some more pink additions, but at the same time we don't want it to start looking tacky :) And when it comes to who goes faster - I've got a bit of experience on Lisa's two DH trips to Thredbo, but she's getting better every time we go riding! Not too much longer and she'll probably start showing me up haha...

The 66's feel ok with just air? No super sticky first hit to get them going? I've been waiting for light springs for a little guy here, and we tried one spring and air, felt average at best?

We also tried one spring (which still wasn't soft enough) with much the same result. Just after we got the bikes I asked David @ Groupe Sportif about our options and he advised that there wasn't a softer spring available as yet.
Right now, with air only, the small bump sensitivity is.. average at best, but at least the travel is getting used a little more. Originally they were just far too stiff throughout the stroke.

If a soft spring kit is now available we might try it out, or just the one spring and a little or no air... If I can get the front end of that Stinky feeling at least a little plush I'll be happy!
The soft springs are still on the boat apparently. I had them backordered with groupe before XMAS 07 and now three or so months with SCV.
Thanks for the heads up j5ive.
It's funny how a lot of suppliers say things 'are still on the boat'... I deal with sea and air freight regularly at work and those bigass ships shouldn't take any longer than 8-10 weeks inclusive of pack/unpack & customs etc unless something goes horribly wrong!
Vendor backorders are heaps of fun!