The Photo Snob Thread


Farkin guerilla
Seriously, how many of these under 10's would be doing it all themselves?:rolleyes:
As cynical as it might sound, that's what I always think to myself. Get daddy's 400 2.8 on his 1DIII with fat Gitzo tripod on a Manfrotto head while he's having lunch at the family pick-nick, point it at an owl that's sitting nearby (which, in itself isn't a photographic talent, it's simply situational), then selectively colour the eyes in Photoshop. A shot like that owl, as brilliant as it may be, relies on the photographers gear...not necessarily any inherent photographic talent.

But hey, i'm probably just jealous of the fact i've never been shortlisted for a photographic award...


Likes Dirt
Filmxors... third roll down, and the first I was super stoked with.

My fave shot of the roll..

I know this has motion blur, but I love it nonetheless..



Likes Bikes and Dirt
Seriously, how many of these under 10's would be doing it all themselves?:rolleyes:
I agree Hux and Tristan, I can't see them doing all the work themselves, but I mean just taking the shot is fair effort I guess. I'm probs sided with tristan for being jelous of the youngin haha.

Anyone in Melbs area is probabaly feeling the effects of the storm brewing/storming/passing. I figured I might try and shoot some lightning (first time) seems the lightning was between two clouds so it wasn't coming down to earth (as far as I could see), but I got this one, its not too bad, but deffs lots to improve on! Pointers? Anyone? what sort of settings should I be looking at, I was using 2 sec, f/4.5, ISO 800

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Alec McJo

Likes Bikes and Dirt
Alec, it's hard to make the call because I'm just viewing on my phone, but from what I can see, I think a the photos would benefit from better background separation. Also, I think the ones of her lying on the rocks could be improved if her head was turned to face the camera a little more. Finally, these look like they could do with being shot later in the afternoon or earlier in the mornig whenthe lighting would not be casting big shadows over her face.
What do you mean by better background seperation? :eek:

Unfortunately I tthhhhiiink the reason some of the photos look like shit lighting was cause there was actually alot of clouds directly above us, and every now and then they would cover the sun. But out above the ocean there wasn't a single cloud in the sky haha.

agreed with leitch on a few parts. Also, I'm not a fan of her expression in 1, 4 and 6. The poses are tops, but she's got a funny look on her face, and in 1, the bright spots (water drops?) under her nose and lip don't good good. That said, I like the 2nd, 3rd and 5th shots
sorry alec, not diggin the expressions, and the wet t-shirt ones are a bit crass.
Can definitely see the point of view on the expressions, unfortunate :( but crass? ppfff... :p


Lives in a hole
What do you mean by better background seperation? :eek:
The subject doesn't really jump out from the background as much as may be desirable, largely because you have a really big depth of field, and pretty uniform lighting, so it looks a bit cluttered (I'm guessing that's what he means).
Random google image example:

Did you have anything to use as a reflector, Alec? I'm wondering if #4 could have been improved a lot with some fill lighting of some sort, just to try and soften those shadows on her face.


Likes Dirt
Karnige182 i did not get out last night, as my parents didnt want to drive the car and i dont have a car for myself.
I presume that you were in your car?

Anyway i would have decreased the shutter speed to about 5 seconds. And just used a high f value. This would allow you to capture the actual strikes of lighting not just the purple glow

I have not been out to shot lighting before, i hope to one day -.-

I was reading a tutorial about it earlier in the year.

Still a nice shot ;)
nice work.


Likes Dirt
First one is real nice, second would have been great if that person's head wasn't blocking part of his bass, but it's still sick.

Any particular reason you only shoot gigs in b&w?


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Karnige182 i did not get out last night, as my parents didnt want to drive the car and i dont have a car for myself.
I presume that you were in your car?

Anyway i would have decreased the shutter speed to about 5 seconds. And just used a high f value. This would allow you to capture the actual strikes of lighting not just the purple glow

I have not been out to shot lighting before, i hope to one day -.-

I was reading a tutorial about it earlier in the year.

Still a nice shot ;)
nice work.
Cheers man! Will take all of that on board, I was experimenting with shutter speeds and f stop values, I initially had it set to 10sec F/16 odd and ISO 800 and I was noticing that due to the long exposure the lightning wouldn't show up really, I do have a couple from a 5 sec exposure I think, I believe I did get the forks from them,as I said I couldn't actually see teh lightning coming down to earth, it seemed to be masked by heavy rain and cloud, hopefully we have a few more and I can try again! :D

Oh also, that shot was from just out the back of my house :)


Likes Dirt
Compact Cam?

So I'm searching for a compact cam to take travelling with me again. I'm taking the 400D but want something for when I'm out at the pub or snowboarding. Would like it to:
  • Be under US $400 (I'll be buying it when I get to the states in a few weeks)
  • Fit in my pocket
  • Have HD video
  • Preferably wide angle (28mm ish)
  • Not overly fussed about heaps of manual controls as long as its not ONLY full auto
  • Decent low light performance

Not too sure what suits these best, damn camera companies make waaay too many compact camera. Thinking maybe a Canon Powershot Something, or a Panasonic Lumix... Any suggestions?
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Likes Dirt
First one is real nice, second would have been great if that person's head wasn't blocking part of his bass, but it's still sick.

Any particular reason you only shoot gigs in b&w?
Thanks man,
Yeah there is; at the manning bar the colours they light the show with are these weird purple/blue/green combinations, without much (if not any) white light. At the highest ISO i can go (3200) these colours just don't come out right at all/and don't look good on the band members (maybe its something with my white balance, but i couldn't find one that worked). And I was both overexposing and underexposing in the same frame with colours, so I found black and white just works/looks better.

yeah haha Amity are too good to miss by taking photo's, even though their on-stage presence would help create some mad photo's.
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Alec McJo

Likes Bikes and Dirt
The subject doesn't really jump out from the background as much as may be desirable, largely because you have a really big depth of field, and pretty uniform lighting, so it looks a bit cluttered (I'm guessing that's what he means).
Random google image example:

Did you have anything to use as a reflector, Alec? I'm wondering if #4 could have been improved a lot with some fill lighting of some sort, just to try and soften those shadows on her face.
Aahhh okay, now I get what you mean :eek: for some reason I seem to like the way you can see the backgrounds and objects in the pictures though :S ssoo hopefully I'll get another model and do it again, so if I was to try out having the model much more focused than the background (so its not so cluttered), I would decrease my depth of field? (I vverryy rarely use manual settings when I rarely use my camera so I'll have to learn a bit more)

And yeah I'd say that would have helped - I didn't use any reflectors despite being advised to do so after the model shots I did like last year or whenever, but I completely forgot to get anything. I think I remember someone saying a car windshield thing can work?


Likes Dirt

first one of sister, starting to study for exams, the table was frosted glass so is over exposed, i like it though, maybe a little over saturated!

This was taken with my 55-250 kit lens on my 1000d, didnt know this thing could take macro photos being a f. 4-5.6! its alright..

And a random one of dad reading the paper.

more to come later, what do you think?

EDIT: sorry about the large photos, its the only was they will work at the moment for some reason?
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Likes Dirt
Cheers man! Will take all of that on board, I was experimenting with shutter speeds and f stop values, I initially had it set to 10sec F/16 odd and ISO 800 and I was noticing that due to the long exposure the lightning wouldn't show up really, I do have a couple from a 5 sec exposure I think, I believe I did get the forks from them,as I said I couldn't actually see teh lightning coming down to earth, it seemed to be masked by heavy rain and cloud, hopefully we have a few more and I can try again! :D

Oh also, that shot was from just out the back of my house :)

haha nice view from your house then :p

being at the bottom of a hill sucks -.-