The Well Travelled Farkiner - Central/East Canada


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Ok Well Travelled Farkiner's I am heading up to North America in October for 6 whole weeks and will be spending time in:

- Toronto
- Halifax
- Quebec
- Montreal
- Ottawa
- Boston (going to see the Bruins play! :))

So id love to hear from anyone who's spent time in any of these places (maybe not Toronto as my girl is from there and knows it inside out). But if anyone has tips, places to see, good places to eat/get pissed etc, id like to hear about it :)

Plus any other places nearby that might be of interest. The North East is so compact, you can actually drive from Toronto to Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Buffalo in a 24 hour period. Coming from Perth, I find that whole concept ridiculous.

We were gonna hit Vancouver and Calgary too, but you know, global financial crisis, plunging AUD etc.. killed that idea off quick.

