This Sat 16th July - Sowgrounds Trali build


Likes Dirt
The club is going to have another Open Day at the showgrounds on the 31st July.
Hopefully we'll get the people who were going to come last time, but didn't due to the weather.
I think it would be a great attraction if we could run an informal style race of maybe 3 - 5 laps.
To that end, clearing a trail up to the top of the down hill track, and including the d.h. run in the loop, would make for a fun circuit.
Anyone who can help, please come out to the showgrounds at 2pm Saturday. With a decent turn out it won't take long to clear.
PS - Sorry to the Rollercat extention crew. I don't mean to tread on your toes.


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I was hoping the weather might improve a bit this arvo. Looks like we'll have to postpone. I'll go out tomorrow arvo, if the weather is any better.


Likes Dirt
I was there, it was not raining -- where was everyone else?

I was over there.

There was no significant rain.



Likes Dirt
Sorry Matt.
I plan to go over there as soon as my wife gets home. She has the kid's seats in her car, and i'm stuck at home with the kids.


Likes Dirt
Well the weather looks okay this morning, so I plan to head over at 1pm today. please come out if you are able.


Likes Dirt

I think I blew my time credits yesterday.
I was not sure what you wanted to do, otherwise I would have just got into it.

I walked the little downhill track, and could see a few different little paths leading off from the uphill end of it.

I was wondering if you intended clearing those. Looks like fun riding.



Likes Dirt
Unfortunately I was it on Sunday. Didn't get a lot done - spent half my time lugging gear up the DH track, and walking the proposed track.

It will take a serious number of volunteers to get the track done next weekend, to give us a worthwhile loop for the Open Day.

I'll post up for takers again and see how we go