to hydro or not??


Likes Bikes
Hi guy and girls

I can get a set of brand new hydro discs for a bit over 25% off normal price.

Or i can wait a few weeks and get the cable discs that i have already paid for? (Which are about half the price of what ill be getting the hydro brakes for)

So what I’m really asking is, is it worth the extra money to get them? are they really that much better?


(didn’t mention any actually prices Grip but i had to ask cause I’m really not sure)


Pro Rider
the armour cable's are meant to be unbleievabley powerful and if thats true it may not really be worth the extra dow.


Likes Dirt
I personally would say cable but really it depends on what type of riding you plan on doing. I have never tried out these brakes so if your doing Downhill riding go with hydros, otherwise cables are alot more hasslefree and cheaper :). anywayz i have a feeling you already know this and isnt the answer to your question ;)


Eats Squid
well i've had a fair bit of time on both, i say the hydros if your DHing and the Cables if you are mainly DJing/ riding street (as frequent bails with SC fork will end up distroying hydro cables when they wrap around your head tube)

my 2 cents


Likes Bikes and Dirt
i have had this discussion (argument?) with numerous people, numerous times....
i can't really see the fascination of hydro brakes for most people, in most situations.
if you do DH, 4X, or if you regularly do the really hard, steep version of XC, then yes, i would probably suggest hydro.
if you do trails, xc, street, dj, etc, stick with cable.
one minor reason for cable for xc, if you snap a cable in the middle of nowhere, you can almost always bodge something togehter to get you home (i've used front derailier cables to work my front cable discs before). however, split a line, or rip it out, and thats it for hydro.
the main difference comes down to cash. a well set up cable disc is about the same maintainance level as well set up hydro's. they will have comparable power in most situations, and cables will actualy have better modulation if you run good levers with them. crap levers, and you might as well not bother. the real difference is in the amount you spend on them.

oh, and the continuing wank factor of having hydro's i guess.


Likes Bikes
Thanks for the help.

I’m gonna stick with the cables, Hydros would be nice but I can’t justify the money.

So I’ll have to wit a little bit :(

But I’ll hopefully get the bike tomorrow :D :D

Thanks again


Yeah, yeah... blah, blah.
Just to set the story straight here... Brent ordered and paid for cable discs (normal price $165) and THEN I discovered that what I thought was a pair of "mech" brakes on the shelf were actually the Hydros and I can't get more "mechs" for 2 weeks.

By way of an apology I offered him the Hydros at exactly what they cost us OR to transfer the money back into his bank straight away...

... he's decided to let us hold the money and send the "mechs" as soon as they get in.

And Brent I have no problem with you asking for advice whatsoever... I would have done the same thing in your shoes.



logged out
lupine128 said:
one minor reason for cable for xc, if you snap a cable in the middle of nowhere...
OI! that's MY sales pitch! And I do use it alot.
And yes, lever choice is crucial with cables, but if I run a cable disc on the front of my thrasher, and have a set of XT's sitting in a box at home, what does that tell you?

(that I'm lazy, yes :p)


Lives in a hole
Just a quick question, how many of you guys have actually busted hydro lines? I know it happens, but I'm yet to experience, and I have put my brakes through a lot of nasty tangled crashes.

In fact, my hydros have been much lower maitenance than any of the cable brakes I've had.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
i've pulled a line before. but it was a case of hooking it and ripping it out at the olive. i also taco'd my wheel so i was walking anyway, but, yeah, it does happen. also the issue of hayes plugs popping out, and grimeca top seals leaking, and xsiv having hoses pop, and all the rest. cables can be better for some forms of riding. mostly epic XC i guess.
hydros' are lower maint as long as you don't ride them to often (when they can sometimes get contamination issues), or to little (when they can sometimes get seizing issues). and remember to keep up with the fluid replacement once a year, or once a season, depending on your level of riding.
also remember that no brake system is set and forget, you need to look after them all. it's like the guy who came in because his forks felt sticky. i asked him when he last did a service on them. his responce was "service? theses are bombers, you don't need to service them."