Tom Patton Injured in Training Accident - Updated 14/11/07

Squidly Didly

Has Been
Staff member

Firstly Tom's parents would like to thank his friends, well wishers and the MTB community who have rallied around Tom and sent their best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Tom was admitted to Royal North Shore hospital yesterday morning after a bad crash during training, and suffered face and back injuries. Tom underwent plastic surgery today but was his normal feral self on return to the ward and is receiving excellent care despite what you hear in the news. At this stage it is early days but it is expected he will have an extended stay of six weeks in hospital so we are sure hearing from his mates will help time pass and aid recovery.

He will probably be on his Macbook in a couple of weeks but in the meantime well wishes can be left in this forum.

Thanks to everyone from David and Liz Patton.

*Update 10/10/07
Tom will be able to take visitors from this weekend. He cant speak and is flat out on his back so probably short visits are best. He is in ward 9A at Royal North Shore Hospital for those wishing to visit him.

Tom's family extend their thanks to all those who have posted best wishes on this forum. They've printed them off and read them to him yesterday which he really appreciated. Please keep em coming.

*Update 11/10/07
Unfortunately this is not Tom but his dad.

Tom specially wanted me to post his thanks to everyone for their support and best wishes. We print out all the posts and he really appreciates them all.

With every day he makes a little improvement and is starting to begin returning all the calls and SMSs from his mobile.

Rgds to all.....David
*Update 23/10/07
hey everyone it's tom here. can't thank you all enough for the support, i had a'll the comments printed off so i could read them it really helps.

thanks again for the support and hope to see everyone again on my feet again.

*Update 03/11/07
Now that most of the operations are done, we have more accurate information on the damage Tom has sustained.

We can now confirm that Tom has fractured his T3 and T4 in his back as well as his C7 in his neck. His jaw is broken in 4 places as well as at the joint, and both his cheek bones have collapsed.

At this point Tom is still lying on his back and isn’t aloud to sit up beyond 30 degrees. We’re hoping that in approximately 1 week’s time, Tom will start sitting up right. The following week should then see the doctors slowly start putting his bed up straight so he can try to walk again.

Tom’s mouth is still wired up at this time, but he should be having the wires removed in approximately 2 weeks time. Talking is obviously still very difficult, but Tom now has his laptop setup on his bed so he can read the messages you send.


More pictures can be found here.

*Update 12/11/07Tom has taken his first steps today after lying on his back for the last month. Will keep you updated on his progress and a possible release date. Yeow

*Update 13/11/07
Full details to come, but news is that Tom has been released from the hospital. How tough is this kid!

*Update 14/11/07
After spending more than 5 weeks in a hospital bed, Tom Patton was finally released at 6pm Tuesday 13th November. The timing couldn’t have been better as he now gets to enjoy his 17th birthday (14th November) at home with his family and friends.

Unfortunately he will still have to wear the neck/back brace for another 5 weeks, but his progress is ever improving and he can currently walk for 10-15 minutes.

Happy Birthday Tom.
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Shit dude, hope it's not too bad! All the best mate and speedy recovery! Get back on that bike and get back to pinning as quick and painlessly as possible.

So, has the face improved any?
eeek sounds pretty serious :( Hope everything turns out ok and that he gets well soon. Best of luck and i hope he has a speedy recovery.

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Such bad news to hear. Hope everything goes alright. Best wishes Tom, get better soon mate!
yer as everyone has said, really wish to see you back on cercuit asap, wish a speedy recovery and hope everything is all good...anybody no any details ofther than training and accident? how bad was the injury with back and face? like brocken back?

best wishes,ben
Best of wishes to you patto, didnt relies what brocko was sayin on myspace but get it now. Best of luck.
Hey Tommy hope all goes well with the recovery did the plastic surgey make your face any nicer to look at :) but seriously I am sorry to hear about the crash, Ash was telling me about it this morning. Sounds a bit rough you go over seas and race all those gnarly tracks and you fall down in OZ doing somthing from the sounds of it pretty easy (in comparasion).
get better soon
Regarding the hospital thing, Tom isn't allowed any visitors just yet.

I'll post the details in this thread once we're allowed in.
Hay Tom
Sending all my care hope you get better when you get out i have a big hug from behined for ya.
So, where are the gore pic's? :p

But, bloody hell mate. Sounds like you did a good job of it! Hope you get well soon, and get back on that bike to kick some arse.

All the best.

Hope the recovery process goes well for you little guy.
This may sound callous to some but your facial injuries are of least concern.
(we know, we've been down this path).
Face may look like a truck wreck at the moment but the face heals amazingly fast as long as all the important bits like eyes, jaw etc are ok.
Hope there aren't any long term injuries.

Get well and "get on it"

Get Dave to stash your bikes somewhere safe.
Liz will be looking for ways to fit them into the wheelie bin.