Trail Building - Castle Hill


Likes Dirt
Hey everyone,

I have been riding out at Castle Hill / Blackstone / Whatever you want to call it for a fair while now. I love all the tracks out there and it is a great place to ride.

In my time out there I have been eying off a line using the current "Double or nothing" (I think) track that has the larger road gap. I absolutely love the top half of this track and feel like a second choice of ending could only make it better... Basically it would be built turning off after the speed gap between the two trees heading into the big road gap and running to the right of the main line. By building another Road Gap and running an extended flat S-bend through the trees on the highway side of the access road to a fairly biggish blind hip jump using the existing ridge down that way. The trail end would end up down near the bigger of the two doubles on the flat side next to the highway.

My idea for this section is to make it pretty fast and challenging, I guess the hip jump ends up being around the 30 or so ft mark although it will be completely blind and kick you pretty high... This extra line would not interfere with any other lines that have been built in that area.

Does anyone have any problems with me taking a shovel to this area?

Trying to work out who's track this actually is before I go creating lines from their work. I want to make sure they are ok with it before I get too excited.

Let me know hey...
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i wouldnt touch someone elses track.... could rub people the wrong way

the best person to get in touch with is doppo...
i wouldnt touch someone elses track.... could rub people the wrong way

the best person to get in touch with is doppo...

This is exactly why I have started this thread.

The track won't actually involve any changes to the original line that is there, it will only merge off it on a flat section. I know Doppers is the guy out there who does a lot of the building as I have met him out there a couple of times before. I havn't seen him out there much lately though?

Does anyone have a contact number they can PM to me or a username etc?
Mick has a new little one, so has to move his time around.

Double or Nothing is the other track that has the table tops before the road gap.

The one you are talking about (I think) we just call another Doppo's track.

Talk to Mick before building. There shouldn't be a problem, but we were talking about just leaving the couple of tracks over there and starting to build more on the other sides of the hill. This won't suit shuttles though.
Yeah I have heard that the plan was to move the building towards the other side of the hill...

I spend alot of time shuttling out there so I wouldn't mind having another big line to play on. I'll shoot you a PM re: Micks contact details.

Thanks heaps for the reply man!

Let me know if you need a hand building on the other side as well.
hey man, a couple of weeks ago i saw the guys from bike hub and they said that s section before the road gap was a section they were making because they wanted to start doing some races and were going to put a few small lines in.
Yeah i dunno what the deal is with the berms... they are a bit non commital..

I have spoken to all concerned and everyone is ok with me building the line out there. Should be a heap of fun once it's done, hopefully it shouldn't take long to build as most of the features I want to use are natural...
haha yeah I shall be out there this weekend with the shovel... Most of what I will be doing will be fairly basic stuff, i'll see how it flows and play as required.

Big hip jump will be bossin though... Hope it turns out as well as i have imagined it...
If the hip is in a coal mound at the bottom, be careful it is a bitch to crash on. I have black dots on my knees from it.