Trump..... (The Sophistry Thread)

John U

MTB Precision
Trump. What is he going to do next?

Found a really good analysis the other day. Will try and track it down. Started with Trump opening his next election campaign now, which is unusual, but allows him to receive donations untracked. Interesting.

Also, none of the majority Muslim countries banned entering the US had citizens involved in attacking the US, while at the same time majority Muslim countries not banned had citizens involved in attacking the US, but also have business ties with the ol trumpster. Surely not!
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He's saying and doing things that Presidents of years gone by promised to do but never actually did. I reckon he's got some pretty good motivation going and if the changes he's making put manufacturing and blue collar workers back in a job then that will far excel what former Presidents and other countries are achieving.
Too often people are fed the bullshit that they need to vote for the person, not what the person is aiming to do. The things he's said he'll do are appealing to people in need so I guess that's how he got the gig. Hopefully he can put some pride in people in America and .........ahem, make it great again. ;) If he stops immigrants from flying / swimming in and taking work away from American families then thats a bloody good thing I reckon. He isn't beating around the bush with his intentions and there'll come a day when he'll be renowned for it.
He does however need to stop the rampant gun problem in America.
Dozer, I think he's saying a lot of stuff people want to hear and he'll give the impression he's trying to do some of those things, a bit like what Abbott did to get elected. His real intention will be to fatten the wallets of him and his mates and fuck everything else.

The countries banned from entering the US vs the countries where terrorists came from is a telling statistic.

Jobs and growth? He won't deliver.
The countries banned from entering the US vs the countries where terrorists came from is a telling statistic.

I think this is being thought of too much; it isn't just to stop people from races who tend to do evil shit from entering the country, it's about keeping educated people coming to the country.
This can have a adverse effect on American's though, they have enough problems with people of their own heritage gunning people down who are on Trump's banned list. This ban will probably entice bad thinking people of America to hate people for their skin color even more and could create bigger issues when some dopey moron with a machine gun doesn't like thinking about peaceful people praying in a mosque.

Disclaimer: It's worth noting that in all conversations I'll have about Religion, I'll always have it at the forefront of my mind that I think you're brainwashed and incredibly naive to think Religion is your savior and that you need to lead your life as a Religious person. I hate the shit, it's more of a pollutant to this planet than anything else we've dreamed up over the years.
Other than the mining and gas industry - which he seems to doing everything possible to assist by removing legal/environmental hurdles - I cant see how anyone can possibly think what he is doing will improve the US economy.

While I certainly wasn't a fan of all the details of the TPP, if anyone thinks the US can manufacture basic goods as cheap as the Asian countries they have bloody rocks in their heads.

Then we get to what he will do to the environment... And even if you don't believe in Climate Change, is it not better from a pure business perspective to have a resource that wont run out, you don't have to dig out of the ground, and doesn't involve spewing shit loads of unbreathable gas into the atmosphere?!

The there's The Wall - what the f does he think this will achieve?! There are these amazing new inventions called shovels - which I'm pretty such the Mexicans know very well how to use - and planes, boats, frigg'n ladders! Tards!

When it comes to his "Muslim" ban - other than the stunning natural landscapes which he'll probably destroy anyway - why the f would anyone want to go to a country so full of dumb-ass, racist, f-wits. I'll wait till its a 3rd world country then visit when everything is cheap...
Disclaimer: It's worth noting that in all conversations I'll have about Religion, I'll always have it at the forefront of my mind that I think you're brainwashed and incredibly naive to think Religion is your savior and that you need to lead your life as a Religious person. I hate the shit, it's more of a pollutant to this planet than anything else we've dreamed up over the years.

Amen to that!
Trump seems to be the dumbest person I've seen on the telly lately.

Totally delusional and full of himself.

How many times can 1 person say how smart they are before the start to look stupid?
It's always he same story but getting a worse end every time. The conservatives who's only interest is making themselves and their mates rich get dumb bastards to vote for them by crapping on about threats that don't really exist or only exist because of their policies. Bomb a country for it's oil, create instability and refugees then crap on about stopping them. It's been going on for years communists or Muslims or Jews or whoever they think they can trick the population into being scared of.
I think this is being thought of too much; it isn't just to stop people from races who tend to do evil shit from entering the country, it's about keeping educated people coming to the country.
This can have a adverse effect on American's though, they have enough problems with people of their own heritage gunning people down who are on Trump's banned list. This ban will probably entice bad thinking people of America to hate people for their skin color even more and could create bigger issues when some dopey moron with a machine gun doesn't like thinking about peaceful people praying in a mosque.

Disclaimer: It's worth noting that in all conversations I'll have about Religion, I'll always have it at the forefront of my mind that I think you're brainwashed and incredibly naive to think Religion is your savior and that you need to lead your life as a Religious person. I hate the shit, it's more of a pollutant to this planet than anything else we've dreamed up over the years.

Dozer...let's not forget triathlon, cyclocross, and roadies. The holy trinity.
Bring it on, I'm keen to see how this goes. He's obviously smart, even though he's not the brightest cookie now and then. I foresee some veeerrrryyyyy interesting things coming in the next year.
The cheeto-covered cunt-puddle will be a) impeached or b) assassinated? And, how long before a/b occurs? I give it a year - just a matter of damage control till then

Sent from two tin cans joined by string
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I blame the democrat machine.

Last time round, they turned up an Obama, this time round, a senior citizen with a sense of entitlement with a second place to a somewhat angry octagenerian, they chose the former in spite of the less than squeaky clean past.

The republican machine presented up some of their most conservative up against a narcissistic publicity whore.

What's he going to do when he gets angry about something?

He's not smart. Never have I listened to a single thing come out of his mouth and thought it to have any intellectual quality at all. In fact, nearly everything I've heard come out of his mouth gives the impression of an intellectually challenged, emotionally unhinged, narcissistic, misogynistic dipshit of enormous proportions. And he is surrounded by the who's who of evil right wing fuckers that country has, combined with a Republican Congress.

The only way the white uneducated males who voted him into office will be better off is by feeling warmer and fuzzier there's less of them muzzlims coming in, their guns will be safe and their women will be more likely to stay in the kitchen.

They won't get their manufacturing jobs back. No way.

California should seriously think about seceding. That state is the future.
Bring it on, I'm keen to see how this goes. He's obviously smart, even though he's not the brightest cookie now and then. I foresee some veeerrrryyyyy interesting things coming in the next year.

I'd say conniving would be a more accurate description.

Drinking every time he says "It's going to be the greatest" will have you pissed for his entire term. And he says this regardless of the turds he is serving up.

I'm just hoping the damage he inflicts can be undone.
He's saying and doing things that Presidents of years gone by promised to do but never actually did. I reckon he's got some pretty good motivation going and if the changes he's making put manufacturing and blue collar workers back in a job then that will far excel what former Presidents and other countries are achieving.
Too often people are fed the bullshit that they need to vote for the person, not what the person is aiming to do. The things he's said he'll do are appealing to people in need so I guess that's how he got the gig. Hopefully he can put some pride in people in America and .........ahem, make it great again. ;) If he stops immigrants from flying / swimming in and taking work away from American families then thats a bloody good thing I reckon. He isn't beating around the bush with his intentions and there'll come a day when he'll be renowned for it.
He does however need to stop the rampant gun problem in America.

if i was on facebook I would " like". good one mate:clap2: