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Maybe you guys who are complaining should have a look at this article from IMBA. Unauthorized Trails - Do They Threaten Our Sport?
Playing the devils advocate, as is my want over land access
Is there a trail network in Australia that didn't start out as illegal first ? Maybe there is but I am guessing they are quit the oddity. ie someone whacks a few trails down, it becomes an issue, someone bitches to the land manager, they invariably try and close the trails rather then examine why the area is being used that way blah blah ... eventually a couple of responsible types come along find out what the law is, set a club up, get some insurance etc and try and do the "right thing" (as defined be bureaucrats), often at the same time actively discouraging the guys that were there first that started it by just riding.. of course this process can take years and often the original users have moved on to other pursuits.
There are two ways to approach land management, personally I think we (all land users) are going about it the wrong way. We should be advocating for a quantum mind shift in access, stating ALL access to all public land is legal and it's the land managers job to mange it for the best outcomes for the users, the flora and fauna and the land, rather then having it the other way around, where access is forbidden without permission.
Personally I have had enough of ineffectual bureaucrats dictating land access, however the pragmatist in me realises that this status quo is probably with us for a while, mainly due to self interest of the land managers and a lazy public who just go and build illegally rather then advocate for change