User created Video comp *Suggestion Thread*


I think get this website going then at the end of this month (December) we can have the first one. Get scott to put up a article on the main page on it for a bit of publicity. Make this first one more of a trail then anything else so then get any errors smoothed out for the new year.

To moderate or not to moderate, that is the question.
To be perfectly honest, I would n't mind managing it all, but I don't think I am as advanced as the rest of you all. :eek:

Here's what I think we have got up to so far:

We have 4 rounds each year.
You must qualify into the top 10/5/what ever per round to proceed into the finals of that round.
We must also have a deadline of say, 1 month/4 weeks after the round has started. If your video is submited late, you will not be acknowledged, unless you contact a moderater with a suitable reason, they will then decide if you can have an extnsion.

From there we can decide if we want a end of year comp or not?
Yeargh, I'll put my name in for new video maker! (I made videos a while back haven't because of hsc, beginning all over again now)

Ok great.

Notice: Now writing entrants on first post. First in gets top of the video list when they submit their videos.
We have 4 rounds each year.
You must qualify into the top 10/5/what ever per round to proceed into the finals of that round.
We must also have a deadline of say, 1 month/4 weeks after the round has started. If your video is submited late, you will not be acknowledged, unless you contact a moderater with a suitable reason, they will then decide if you can have an extnsion.

From there we can decide if we want a end of year comp or not?

Great, great. You should be in the video comp Ty, you are only just getting back into it with new cam.

I think get this website going then at the end of this month (December) we can have the first one. Get scott to put up a article on the main page on it for a bit of publicity. Make this first one more of a trail then anything else so then get any errors smoothed out for the new year.

We might kick it of with the Admin video comp on new years day and then start the others from there?

Dunno what i wanna do, Moderate or film:confused:

Film mate, we don't need any more then like 3 mods and I am sure there is more people who cannot film who will be willing to mod.
As for me I got no time and neither does Maurice to make sick vids, we want to run something for you guys.
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So we start 1st of Jan?

Put me down.

hmm, Perhaps Christmas Morn?

Nah should be sweet, consult with the rents, and we will be here by the first, so I will defs have an admin video, or I might just put out a showreel of all my FX7 footage
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So we start 1st of Jan?
Put me down.
We may begin this next month with submissions being released on the first day of the third month (2 months to complete).
That gives people all Christmas holidays to work on it with the admins releasing everyones videos on 1st February.
Great, we will kick of with 1 video from each member of admin and then the first comp will start.
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Film mate, we don't need any more then like 3 mods and I am sure there is more people who cannot film who will be willing to mod.
As for me I got no time and neither does Maurice to make sick vids, we want to run something for you guys.

Ohk mad as thanks, hope all this goes well:)
admin videos?
I'd rather Mod, as I am not as technically advanced in the movie making situation. I'll put my hand up to help manage it.
And there is no way I can film and moderate?

I don't so much want to "moderate" ie. decide on things.etc. But i'd kill to be part of the team that organises things.

perhaps i could be the website manager? I really, really want to film. especially with a new fx1.
Or the Month of December is the Video of the Month Showcase, where we show off the competition, and only include videos by the mods and extremely talented filmakers. Then on the 1st of January the comp starts.
Or the Month of December is the Video of the Month Showcase, where we show off the competition, and only include videos by the mods and extremely talented filmakers. Then on the 1st of January the comp starts.

Yeah mabey, have like a few trailer videos of whats coming up?
Or the Month of December is the Video of the Month Showcase, where we show off the competition, and only include videos by the mods and extremely talented filmakers. Then on the 1st of January the comp starts.

GOnna be hard, Mitch has Uni, I have exams + national round podcast to make + India. and idk about the other film makers.
I'd rather Mod, as I am not as technically advanced in the movie making situation. I'll put my hand up to help manage it.

We want to see new video makers... get in there and give it a go.

And there is no way I can film and moderate?
I don't so much want to "moderate" ie. decide on things.etc. But i'd kill to be part of the team that organises things.
perhaps i could be the website manager? I really, really want to film. especially with a new fx1.

Sure adman, we are not begging for mods in any way, we happy with how it is right now, show us your skills on the FX1.

I think we might need a beginner and advanced starting after first round.

GOnna be hard, Mitch has Uni, I have exams + national round podcast to make + India. and idk about the other film makers.

Thats is the reason why we are not competing every round.
Should be fine for me, just make a show reel or something?
I will have access to comp basically 24/7 so should be fine managing it, just can't get physical time to shoot.
Its just to kick it off, not really a comp between us...
Thats is the reason why we are not competing every round.
Should be fine for me, just make a show reel or something?
I will have access to comp basically 24/7 so should be fine managing it, just can't get physical time to shoot.
Its just to kick it off, not really a comp between us...

Alright sick, Ill start on mine now, so that by the time dec1st somes I can release it and not have to juggle study with editing and start procrastinating which is NOT wht I need.