Volunteers for the Toowoomba Sunshine Series Race - 21st August


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Hey everyone

Well it's that time of year again when the sunshine series is in full swing. With a round in Toowoomba on the 21st of August, we need to start rallying some volunteers to help run the race. If anyone has parents or friends willing to help out with the following tasks it would be most appreciated!

-This will involve work in the canteen, preparing burgers etc. and selling drinks
-Will need the majority of volunteers from mid morning until around 2 in the afternoon
-around 4 people

Transport driving (3 x 3T, 1 x 6T, 2 x 9T)
-Driving trucks for the day; 3 Tonne trucks require normal car license and while bigger ones require open medium rigid
-from 8am until last riders go up (around 2pm)

Car parking
-You will be directing cars in the far parking paddock
-Will only be needed until mid morning after starting at 7.30am
- 1 person

Transport Coordination (possibly not needed but if someone's keen then that would be great)
-Needed to be at the bottom to help loading bikes on and to coordinate trucks and buses
-Ideally you will be there from 8 until the last riders have gone up for there race runs (around 2), however if you can't be out there inside these hours than some arrangements could be made to maybe share this role
- 1 or 2 people

General tasks
-You may not need to do something but would be on call for anything that needed helping
-as many people as possible

This is the same template I used last year for trying to get volunteers so if anyone can pickup something that needs changing or adding, please let me know.

If it's easier to contact me on my mobile, the number is 0431977310. Alternatively, my email is jockfarrington@hotmail.com

Thanks, Jock


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I'll be available for driving, canteen or whatever. Wouldn't mind sharing a job with someone so i can watch some racing as well.


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Just getting this one back up to the top of the news list.

We are still looking for people for all jobs listed above so if you can please help out that would be great.


joy boy

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Dad said he's happy to help out all day in the Canteen again. I'll be racing (last T-ba Dh Race, can't miss it.)


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Follow up

Hey guys

Just a follow up on volunteers and one last shout out to see if anyone else can help. With the race just over 2 weeks away it is important that we get some people locked in to certain jobs. Below are the current people that said they can lend a hand.

Asgill – canteen/rego
Asgill’s dad – driving a truck
Steve - driving but wants to watch some of the racing
Lloyd – preferably canteen but maybe other tasks
Joy Boy's dad - canteen
Russell – something that allows him to watch the racing at the end of the day
Russell's mum – unsure of availability
Harry Brazier - has 1 MR driver available
Jason – do whatever is necessary
Jock, Louis, Kyle, Jiel, Zach, Scott - available for the bulk of the morning to do whatever is necessary
Greg - unsure of availability

I guess now I just need to know if these people are still available and also if there are any other people willing to help. If you know someone that is available, kindly ask them if they'd want to volunteer!

Thanks again,

joy boy

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You could put me down for the bulk of the morning as well. Happy to help out in canteen for the morning like I normally.


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Put me down to help out at the canteen for a couple of hours or a couple of hours on the
roster for general tasks.
Just let me know when, but I would prefer to watch the final runs.



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@ Matt

Yeah that's fine, later in the day there is usually less demand for volunteers as everyone has settled in.

Thanks for volunteering!

@ Joy Boy

Too easy, I'd say there will be a decent amount of the Toowoomba downhillers helping out in the morning as per usual. Look forward to seeing you there.

Thanks, Jock


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One last shout-out,

We are still in need of 1 more driver for a small truck. This will only be until late morning as dad has said he'll take over once everything's been sorted out.

To drive one of these trucks you simply need to have your opens licence and preferably be over 25.

If anyone can do this or knows someone that can, please let me know on 0431977310

Thanks heaps,



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I made a few calls, but only came up with dead ends. If your still stuck, post something again in the morning & i'll search a bit further out of the circle.


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Hi Lloyd and Jason

Thanks for the help! I've locked in Greg to drive though so don't worry about finding someone else now.

I'd say I'll see you guys tomorrow.



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Hey guys

I'd just like to thank everyone that helped out with the race, especially those that came in on such short notice. Was a great day!
