WA-Kona Stinky 03


Cannon Fodder
Bike: kona stinky03
Colour: blue and black
Date it was stolen: 3/10
Where it was stolen: maida vale area out back near shed
Specs: 5th element rear shok, Marz Jr T forks with HSCV cart, 8" rotors,
Pictures: can some one pm me there and post it for me...thanks.

Thanks if anyone has info please call 0422982482. Thanks


Cannon Fodder
Hey all just a quick msg to let you all know i found my bike...i stoped the person who took it and he handed it over. thansk all for keeping an eye out.


good to hear you got your bike back, i hate bike theives.(are you selling this bike to cade?)
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Likes Dirt
..no..sorry..it sucks though cus mostly nowadays if a dude nicks a bike and he gets caught by the owner..they usualy happily hand it over. Unless ur small like me and heed just beat the crap out of me...but i guess u could give their details to the police and all..