Wandandian/nowra downhill anyone ride?


Likes Dirt
Hey guys
Just wondering who if anyone rides wandandian/nowra downhill track? Went out there looks kinda deserted and run down. I've been trying to clean it up but wondering if anyone rides it.


Likes Dirt
I still do occasionally, but Ive been away for work a lot lately, there was a group from the gong that used to get down there fairly often but everyones been unsure of the condition and its a long way to go for something if its unrideable!


Likes Dirt
It's complete unridable at the moment without a lot of work. I'm trying to get it done, may be a slow process but I'll let you guys know when it's ridable again


Cannon Fodder
Me and a mate are keen to jump in and help mate.. Winters coming Thredbo is shutting time to cleanup the local.. P.m you