wanting to paint frame need a program to muck around with colours


Likes Dirt
hey guys first of all i don't know what section to put this in either this one or off-topic discussion any way i am looking at painting my bike frame but would like a program that i could use to muck around with colours and logo's and stuff. i need an easy program to use if any one knows of one please help. i have a macintosh so i need a program to run that on preferable downloadable to. or is there any one here who i can give the pic of the frame to and they can whip me up some thing.


Richo 18

Likes Bikes and Dirt
Have a look for "Acorn" in the downloads section of apple.com

That's my photoshop, because the real photoshop is too hard to use.

It's pretty fun to muck around on too!
It's about time people starting making halfway decent image editing programs apart from Adobe.


Eats Squid
Honestly though, it's gonna be hard for you to get acceptable looking results, and even harder if you're not on photoshop. To get a decent idea of what the colours would look like you'd probably have to be doing photoshop for at least a year. I've been doing it fairly seriously for much more than that and I find changing the colours of shiny things really hard still.