What did you do TO / WITH / FOR your bike today!


Likes Bikes and Dirt
First ride on my Trance since getting all the suspension redone. Feels great. Full lap around Lysterfield including Com Games.
Planned to be a late arvo one, but bloody work got in the way so didn't get started until 7, so most of it was under lights, great fun.


Thanks for all the bananas
Got another pre-work ride in at Smithfield. I have a habit of not pedalling when I encounter creeks and rock gardens which robs me of a lot of momentum but today, I went for it and nailed a section that's I've often handled very awkwardly in the past. Yay!

Also I was a fuckwit..

Cardy George

Piercing rural members since 1981

Rode to work, whipped the fork out, jumped in the work yoot, took it to the local engineering mob who inserted helicoils in the stripped out caliper mount, picked the fork up this afternoon, put it back together, rode it home.

The bloke who works with me was like "WTF, it took you all of ten minutes to get it out AND put it back."

pink poodle

View attachment 373319

Rode to work, whipped the fork out, jumped in the work yoot, took it to the local engineering mob who inserted helicoils in the stripped out caliper mount, picked the fork up this afternoon, put it back together, rode it home.

The bloke who works with me was like "WTF, it took you all of ten minutes to get it out AND put it back."
But how did the mounts get stripped out @Cardy George ?

pink poodle

Dunno boss, I was just nipping the bolts up by hand...
It is calibrated...

So I have not long finished work. It hasn't rained for a while and I could see some patches of stars...thought I'd swing past a local cafe for a coffee before home time. Well fuck me! It is raining now.

pink poodle

My over worked man hands.......

But probable cause is more likely to be riding 50 hours a month, and therefore pulling them apart once a month, and soft magnesium alloy combining to wear them out. I try to avoid removing the calliper when I do a minor service now.
My dear of such mechanical issue has long seen me running a bigger rotor up front than I would choose, so that I can use an adaptor for the connection to the fork. Thus avoiding regular removal. Naturally I use a small amount of Loctite and grease.