What did you do TO / WITH / FOR your bike today!

Rode it at Maydena....

Can someone please call my wife and tell her I'm not coming back....
Headed there at Easter. The days are ticking by sooo so slowly....
Nice shots.
Maydena aint your normal bike park. After scaring myself witless on the big black and freeride runs I found that I actually enjoyed the more natural blue runs the most. Soo much loam.

even some of the newer green stuff is fun...

had a minor medial emergency with a mate last weekend and "green room" was deemed the best way to get him to the bottom without too much stress...i enjoyed it more than i should have...

hoping to get time to ride upper/lower wilderness trail before winter sets in...
Holy fuck i wanna go so bad haha! All the bermy trails aren’t that exciting for me, but those steep raked in lines look amazing