Likes Dirt
The general jist of it I see is going from a 12" balance bike to a 16" pedal bike with the pedals and/or crank & chain removed. That way the child gets used to the slightly bigger bike and its handling, while using it as a balance bike. Once they've got the balance down pat on it, you add back in the bits you've removed. Because they've already got balancing on that bike sorted, its a natural progression to pedalling, and they're sorted if they don't want to pedal as they already know how to balance on it. Also helps if they see other kids older than themselves on bikes with pedals pedalling. Imitation is a great learning tool.
That's the plan I have in place for my daughter - and she gets her first balance bike this Christmas, she'll be 15 months old - too early to use it properly probably, but it'll at least be around the house and it's a good "Christmas" present.
That's the plan I have in place for my daughter - and she gets her first balance bike this Christmas, she'll be 15 months old - too early to use it properly probably, but it'll at least be around the house and it's a good "Christmas" present.