What to do SS


Likes Dirt
Hey guys,

having a couple of issues as to which direction i should take in upgrading the ol bike. So I have a Surly 1x1 and am wanting to run a set of profile cranks only issue is up front i can fit a 36t sprocket max, which means i will have to run a 13t on the rear. First of all will I run into any issues using micro drive gearing on a commuter? Next option is to by New cranks and leave the ratio at 44/16


Rear hub would be a ck if i am too run the profiles...


I run a 32-13 on my do it all toy, you can go down to 11 on the rear with a standard cassette type hub.


Likes Dirt
yeah I understand, was wondering if excesive use as a commuter will only multiply the wear and tear on gearing being micro(ish) drive.


Ahhh now I understand, yup it will wear more quickly as it has less surface area. However you can get SS gears that have a nice wide tooth that will hold up well.
I have run my 13t for almost a year and it looks fine and I'm no spinner.