Whatever happened to......

if you ever see a guest post, that was fuzzy, he was "lost" when the new server came online.
I remember when Fuzzy hit the 5000 or something post mark, now that was an effort. (note. this is when rik hadn't really reached 2000) Just imagine what type of post whore we missed out on. Oh, whoelse remember's the "Postwhore Pat". Good time's.
i regret not joining up sooner. i came here when mtbfreak died and just lurked for over 6 months without signing up. eventually signed up when i had sometrhing worth saying and haven't stopped since (apart from the times i've promised myself i would never post again when the level of maturity got unbearable)
didnt he get like 2000posts for his birthday or something ahhaha.

ohhh dear. those were the days. i came from didnotfinish and again lurked for a while before i joined up. i have wasted that many hours on this stupid thing ahhaha.
what ever happened to did not finish, i used to check there fairly often, then one day it just disappeared.
LTR said:
Calculus (Adin), Lord Nikon, Emerin?

I see a few posts every now and then from them, but no way near as frequent as they used to. I remember Emerin got like 50 posts on her first day on here.

Adin is still hanging around in net land, comes on from time to time, he bought a road bike (Honda VTR 250) so spends all his time on that or at Uni. I havn't ridden with any of the old Perth crew for about 2 years.
Midget, Donovan, Adin, Fuzzy, Bonnet, and alot more all MIA. I think Uni had something to do with it, fucking slackers cant handle fulltime study and bikes hahaha.

Says me who took 7 years to finally buy another bike after selling my MXer in 1995.
Gutty got a life, whereas the rest of the big posters, like myself, haven't.


Just popped in to check the classifieds, looking for a little hard tail for the missus. Firgured i might aswell do a little grave dig while i'm at it ;-)
Good to see i'm gone but not forgotten.

Great to see a few of the old faces still hang'n out, and GREAT to see how well Farkin is doing. Good work guys !! It's come a long way since you sarted it way back when...

You say i got a life Techno...hmmm.....????.
Gave up DH after my stack at thredbo, stuck it out on the dirtbike for a while longer but even got rid of that a couple of years ago now. Started doing track days in a car down at Wakefield park, but damn that shit's just too expensive for me. Did the pitbike thing for a while, road racing style at the local go-kart track, but then they sold the track and the new owners canned the bikes.
Still got a nice little Kona "Stuff", though these days i'm just about limited to the bike path along the wollongong foreshore or some light XC, but still do, and always will LOVE getting out on 2 wheels. Recently thought about building up my old DBR X6 frame and doing some light DH again....but i dunno. Not keen to waist much time or money on a bike i'll ride once and realise i gotta get the wrist fused before i can really enjoy it.

My time since Farkin.... still surfing forums...and getting banned. Was admin on a cichlid(fish) site for a while, but that got a bit *edit:*> "nancy like" in the end(too many cry babies) so i quit. Got a "small pool" sized tank still.
Recently bought a shitload of new HiFi gear and a big telly so been cruise'n DTV forum, but not real active... don't think they'd appreciate my dribble too much if i let it all hang out.
Still running the CNC machines and doing all the CAD work at Anchor Plastics, and still making custom stuff for mates moto's. The older bro's still into his motard so that keeps me busy in the foreign order department.
Chat to Jordy(damn...can't even remeber his screen name on here. 2Fast4U or some shit) occasionally, and gonna make him a cool chassis brace plate for the back of his Lux with a big ass "Ride For Life" written across it when i get the time. pic here http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v138/Gutty/chassisbrace1.jpg?t=1173397346

Anyway, better get back to work. take it easy fellas. Ride hard, and safe too if that's possible ;-)


Posting sexist, racist or homophobic remarks will NOT be tolerated.

This includes using the terms "fag", "gay", "faggot", etc....

Sorry bud... still finding all this politically correctness rubbish difficult.

Fixed ;-)
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