What's this stuff falling from the sky? 56k warning


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Well, this afternoon we had some...gah, what do you call it agian.....rian was it?.
AND some hail. :eek: I took some pics.

This is my back paddok:

It seriously only raind/haild for like 7 mins then it just stopped and this is what we were left with:
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Likes Bikes and Dirt
Merlins Beard! I'm not too far away from you and we had a cracker electrical storm earlier.

I love these storms - I know Summer is coming.


Wheel size expert
Ice and gold balls evidently...:rolleyes:

Hope your car was inside man! We had a massive hailstorm down here a few years ago and most of the car lots in the local area had massive discounts on 'hail damaged' cars not long after!

Plow King

Little bit.
That must have been a big ass esky.

Those things are huge, REminds me of the storm sydney had back in 99?


Feelin' a bit rrranty
wait wait wait... back up a sec...

you have a "back paddock"? why have we not built trails there yet?


Likes Dirt
hahaha one time in sydney we left a rugby match and everything was covered in hail. it was like snow that you see on tv but in hail!