what's worth reporting to the police?

RB 24

Likes Dirt
Hi all,

been riding up in the hills in the S/E of Melbourne near Emerald etc and have encountered in the last few weeks the increase of really angry and abusive drivers. We (my 11 yr or 13yr son) ride single file and leave enough room for traffic to pass etc. Yet we have been copping drivers getting way too close to a point where they are within 200mm off an arm or driving slowly past and yelling out unsavoury words. I would manage if it was just myself or myself and a mate but when kids are around I behave on the cautious side and avoid conflict.

Is any of this worth reporting to the cops or would they just laugh at me and say there is nothing they can do... just would really like to know what my rights are as a road user.

any help is appreciated as it is now affecting my young bloke and he isnt enjoying riding much.


I think reporting any threatening or abusive behaviour is warranted, especially as there are children involved. You may not get very far in individual instances but if it happens enough, it might spur some sort of action.
Ride somewhere quiet, with no traffic, perhaps in the bush... You cannot win a fight with a car !
I think reporting any threatening or abusive behaviour is warranted, especially as there are children involved. You may not get very far in individual instances but if it happens enough, it might spur some sort of action.

that is what I would hope the cops would do... take into consideration kids involved common sense should prevail.
They can't do anything about it really so probably a pointless endeavor, if there are other cyclist in the area who are in the same boat better off trying to work out. Proposal or a mass complaint, including that to a local Mp if it is something that can be improved upon.

One person is easier to forget about then a group.

Even as a cyclist I can get frustrate behind cyclist while driving but I don't get abusive, even if I wasn't a cyclist id hope to think that knowing that cyclist are essentially a vehicle in the rules and tests that's it's just a legal and normal thing, frustratin at times sure but not illegal or wrong.
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Report anything you think needs to be reported. Just make sure you get at least the rego, make/ model and colour of the car/truck etc, and preferably an ability to determine male or female driver.

I was riding my bike up the back of Mt Wellington the other day on an unsealed back road and busted a guy littering. He was hurling garbage bag after garbage bag of detritus of the back of his ute down into a ferny gully in a National Park.
After he drove off I looked down the gully and there must have been five years worth of waste down there. Soiled mattresses, garbage bag after garbage bag, broken electrical shit. You name it.

I got all the details mentioned above plus mentioned that he had a Stihl chainsaw in the back, red tool box and a red and yellow petrol can. And showed them on the garmin exactly where is happened.
I reported the incident to the cops and got an event number. This way, they have been documented.

I don't know what they did, but I know the guys deets are on file now because of my visit to the cop shop.

As for road rage and bad drivers, always report it if you think they are out of line and dangerous.
Riding on roads sadly exposes you to abusive drivers. I read a letter in a moto mag recently that described the attitude toward cyclists in Australia as different to anywhere else in the world. He said drivers treat cyclists like vermin here. It's true.

Having been targeted by aggressive drivers many times, I rarely ride on the road anymore. That's sad because I used to like riding over to the beach and up to the seawall via the dirt track. I did educate my son to the risks from early on and while I trust him to ride safely from school or work if he has too, we both know the risks. He is 17.

I don't believe the road rules apply to cycling and I am happy I only ride a MTB, because I can stay off roads, use parks, verges, drains, whatever is available to avoid roads. If I can cross a main road to ride off it on the other side, then I could care less where the next intersection or ped crossing is. I cross where the traffic isn't. I have encouraged my son to do the same. That may seem inappropriate, but after you have been not only abused, but had objects thrown at you, been run off the road, intentionally sideswiped, cut off virtually under the rear wheels and had mad drivers jump out of vehicles intending to beat you up (multiple times for each example BTW), you tend to lose faith in road safety.

OP, I would not waste your time complaining unless something really feral occurs and you have positive ID. As posted above - get off the road and into the bush. You will not only be protecting your son and yourself, but you will be offering him a gift he may otherwise not receive in these days of indoor education and recreation - the bush.
You're wasting your time with the cops. No disrespect but they are just too busy to look for someone who yelled at you.
I was involved in a road rage incident with my pregnant wife in the car. Some thug got out and wanted to kill me. When I locked the door he started laying into the car, kicking and punching it. My wife called 000 and was clearly very distressed. The 000 operator would have been able to hear what was happening and how scared my wife was.
The cops never came.
So after waiting at the scene for about 20 minutes we went to the local station. The cop behind the counter was like "oh yeah, we heard that call on the radio but were busy"
I suggest you find some nice bike paths or some quieter streets to ride on.
I too am just about ready to give up on riding on the road. You are just so vulnerable.
Reporting is not pointless!!!

Lets say a car drives too close one day, so close you think you should report it but you don't. That same driver is most probably doing it to other cyclists who are also failing to report it. 2 weeks later that same driver comes across you again with intent to spook you, he gets really close to you but again you chose not to report him him. Next week that driver see's another cyclist and decides to drive up real close, next thing you know the cyclist who is riding in the designated bike lane marginally swerves to avoid a pot hole and as a result, that driver cleans up a 14 year old kid on his way home from school.

Without any reports the driver says the cyclist swerved out of the bike lane and claims it was impossible to react fast enough to not hit the cyclist. Driver gets minimal penalty as it was a genuine accident at the fault of the cyclist. Had you of reported him do you think it would have gone the same way? If that same driver had 5 reports within 6 months from different cyclists do you think they would have pressed a little bit hard and investigated that little bit more given that the driver had a history of abusing cyclists?

What if there's a road rage incident where the same driver beats the shit out of a cyclist.
No one reports: "It's just road rage and the cyclist probably deserved it, it takes two to tango, the cyclist instigated it" is probably what people would be saying
Everyone reports it: Then he gets charged with evidence of their hatred towards cyclists. "I'll run you off the road next time cunt" and "get off the road or i'll beat the shit out of you" will be written down on reports and used against him. I know which one I'd rather.

I report everything and anything I see, as a result I've helped convict 3 people who assaulted a kid and stole his bike and helped put two kents away for assaulting a driver.

Pricks need to be reported and it only takes 5-10 minutes at most.
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Get a camera and take footage. Easier to prove your version of events, and harder for someone to ignore your claims.
I think you should report it. Unfortunately the follow up that occurs depends on the officer that you report it to. Like any profession / workplace, you have people that give a shit and want to do their job properly and those that don’t.....

The more details you can give the better the follow up can be. Like someone mentioned earlier, if you can get it on film, it kind of makes the officer you report it to have no other avenue, but to follow it up and charge appropriately.

At worst, the person you report it to should (not possible in all cases) be able to get a phone number for the registered owner (if you get a rego) and at least give them a phone call and tell them to pull their head in, or it will go further if reported again.
Whether its worth reporting probably depends on the cop you report it to. Some won't bother to write the details down.

I was car doored opposite a police station. I had a cut leg and the car had a bent door and it was parked in veiw of the front desk. Cop on duty didn't want to know about it. All he did was let me use their first aid kit.
Hi all,

been riding up in the hills in the S/E of Melbourne near Emerald etc and have encountered in the last few weeks the increase of really angry and abusive drivers. We (my 11 yr or 13yr son) ride single file and leave enough room for traffic to pass etc. Yet we have been copping drivers getting way too close to a point where they are within 200mm off an arm or driving slowly past and yelling out unsavoury words. I would manage if it was just myself or myself and a mate but when kids are around I behave on the cautious side and avoid conflict.

Is any of this worth reporting to the cops or would they just laugh at me and say there is nothing they can do... just would really like to know what my rights are as a road user.

any help is appreciated as it is now affecting my young bloke and he isnt enjoying riding much.



Get a gopro and record you rides, if they are not entirely in the other lane when over taking they are breaking the law (this doesn't fuss me if they leave room/slow down a bit), if they are getting excessively close they are driving dangerously. If you have footage it would add a lot more weight to your reports.

I used to ride out that way a lot, doing a loop starting at croydon, silvan, monbulk, emerald, belgrave and back home. Used to be pretty good on a weekday but on the weekends I found the bogans were out.

I have had limited luck with Police, it helps to repeatedly nag them, then they do something to shut you up. With some footage, I'd also contact the local leader paper and local MP.
Interesting responses ranging from don't ride on the road, to don't bother reporting, to investing in technology to record behaviour, to support for reporting.
All valid to a degree, though if I'm reading you properly, you have children who you are trying to show many different facets of cycling. Riding on the road is an integral part of that.

Let's face it, there are c*nts everywhere. I think the best you can do is to act responsibly and report those who aren't. That's why we have police services. Yes, they may be inept, or they may not care but you won't know that unless you try. Think of how you'd feel if you didn't do anything and the same idiots came along next week and hurt one of your boys.
Interesting responses ranging from don't ride on the road, to don't bother reporting, to investing in technology to record behaviour, to support for reporting.
All valid to a degree, though if I'm reading you properly, you have children who you are trying to show many different facets of cycling. Riding on the road is an integral part of that.

Let's face it, there are c*nts everywhere. I think the best you can do is to act responsibly and report those who aren't. That's why we have police services. Yes, they may be inept, or they may not care but you won't know that unless you try. Think of how you'd feel if you didn't do anything and the same idiots came along next week and hurt one of your boys.

I was one earlier who said probably not much point, from the OP's post it appears he has no information on the suspect though, so one guy walking into the police station to report a very minor offense of abusing words mixed with potential of dangerous driving (this is subjected to the officers judgement and because nothing happened im sure most wont even consider it, unfortunately).

I say if you have details report it but i wouldn't expect much, just make sure when you report it that it all goes down on file so it is there incase a future incident comes around. With something so minor a lot of cops might just shrug it off.
Hey czecharch

yeah a wide and varied view. I can see everyones objective point of view in what is and what isn't worth reporting. The idea of getting a gopro is a good idea and I was also thrown the idea of getting a pair of those glasses with the camera in built.. not sure what they are like tbh.

The boys get a varied and wide mix of riding. They have their xc mtb's they hit up and they race crits at closed circuits however the idea of riding in the hills is what the boys love.

You are so very right.. the total amount of 'captain cooks' driving around is getting terrible however if I do notice any actions that may put me or others at risk I will report with the relevant authorities etc. All I can do to show a good example to my boys and try the best I can to keep us safe.

appreciate everyone's input and I thankyou for helping with a few solutions.


I think report anything that is worth it and can be followed. No point saying a green car with 3 guys just almost hit me.
But if you say hey three people in a red yaris plate number XXXXXX were driving dangerously and almost collected my children, even better here's video evidence, they can at least put it in the system and link it to someone that way it is on file if it happens again.
The first time I was hit (of 3, then I started mountain biking and really started to get hurt), the guy ran down the wrong side of two streets, jumped a traffic island and ran me into a drain in the middle of Parramatta, right next to a beer garden inview of the Saturday afternoon crowd. 4WD ended up in there almost on top of me. Despite having dozens of witnesses, the car, me etc the police dragged their feet enough that by the time they approached the guy he'd already skipped the country.

"Oh well, just put that up to experience" they said.

Insurance said "There's no charges being pressed so there's no fault on our clients part"

Lawyers said "Show us the money first"

The sharpened point of a pumps lever will shatter a rear window if necessary. (I've heard)
I say report. If its on paper, it can be searched and linked back to later if there is a more serious incident.