Who has the flu?


I'll tells ya!
Staff member
You want to die when you have Influenza.. not log into a forum and chat about it... :D
That's cr*p. I've had the flu a good couple of times, yes I seriously felt like I was going to die. I was stiull in the army at that stage and I had no choice but to keep on working (and infect other people). Just because you feel like hell doesn't mean you can't force yourself to do stuff. Granted, the first time I kept going, I did end up in hospital in Wagga for two days with a temp of 40.1. They were freaking out putting Ice packs on me etc. and all I wanted to do was sleep/die. But it did take me two days of hardcore flu-truckin' to end up there!


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Take some multivitamins, some zinc supplement and fish oil every day and you will dramatically reduce the chance of getting influenza. Sounds expensive but the cost per day v's the health benefits works out to be a smart choice.
Vitamin C in fruit etc does sweet fuck all unless you pick the oranges off the tree yourself and is best absorbed in conjunction with a low dose Folic Acid supplement. Better off eating Kiwi fruit, if the taste is not too unpleasant for you.

Yes I have had the 'Flu" or a 'bad cold' and continued to work whilst descending and ascending between 30 Degrees C and 80% humidity 987 meters underground and -2 Degrees C on the surface whilst soaking wet from sweat and water. I ended up being flown to Hospital for a week vacation with mild Hydrogen Sulfide burns to my respiritory tissue (nasal passages, throat, lungs) because I could not smell the initial gas intersection at all due to a blocked nose and no sense of taste!
The 'Flu' is nasty and is worth a few days rest at home imo.
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Likes Bikes
Could this be the flu that was caused by the sewage plant thingo in the dandenongs that mixed recycled water into drinking water?


Likes Dirt
At work we can get a flu shot supplied by the company. they come around and take your name if you want it done, and a couple of weeks later a quack shows up and gives you a shot.
I got it the first year i worked there and still got the flu and spent 3 days off work! So now i figure if i'm gonna get sick i might as well not get a needle. Eww Yuck Needles!!

Does anyone else either swear by or avoid flu shots?

Do you go to the doctor for Meds? (I only go for the certificate,so i get paid) I haven't taken antibiotics for years.

What do you do to shake the flu?

My miracle cure involves a lounge, a flamable green herbal remedy (brings back the appetite, dulls the pain, clears phlegm.) lots of H2O and a good supply of food (can't get better if your not fuelled up).