who's gonna win U/19's national champs?? fearon or brosnan....

what do you guys think? fearon qualified 4 seconds faster then troy today and has been looking insanely fast all week... hmmmmm....
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Likes Bikes
Hell yeah Brandon! Obviously Connor and Troy are damn fast, but Brandon has been right there with them all season, and was faster than Troy today, still nobody seems to mention him, its more than a 2 horse race!


Likes Dirt
Yeah I'm not sure why everyone thinks it's just Connor & Troy That are quick, maybe it'll take Brandog to smoke them both before eveyone wakes up.
What else would Yeti snap him up, hmm?


Likes Dirt
Yeah shits me how Brandon never gets a mention, but actions speak louder than words!
Hope he smokes them all! :D


Likes Bikes
Kona wins !

conner fearon smoked all other u 19 competitors and will shame alot of elite riders ! well done !