Why Farkins forum is ace.


Likes Dirt
Check this out:


Now I like Pink Bike and check it out a fair bit but what a crock, this was in the post your ride section and continues for 7 pages without a single pic. All of a sudden I appreciate the people who post on Farkin a lot more than I usually do.
Not that I thought you all sucked before or anything :D
I wouldnt usually do this but here is my whinge for the day

That DHRacer dude is a tool isnt he, he speaks so much about how good his bike is and how everyone else sucks, brags about the money he has and always says something is wrong with every bike.

Sorry for the whinge, but I cant stand people that talk about how rich they are, specially when there possesions in the broader scale are really cheap.
We first appear to be forum nazi's, moderating posts occasionally and the like, but its just so we dont end up with complete crapity jibberish like that thread!
I get the impression a lot of teh guys who post there are tools ( mikey for example ) I guess Im just glad that the poeple who post here dont act like children whenever they disagree with someone.
thats it, I notice a tend through american/canadian forums, be it for MTB or cars, they all seem to love themsleves all to much.

They need to have more active moderators that keep out the crap, thats why I like this site so much, the simple fact that everyone gets along is great
Firstly; this forum is great because we got cool moderators and admins, and secondly the people that use this forum are all local and most of us on here know each other. Yeh i agree with you msbhvn, all those people that post on those other sites are either too full of themselves or just poser.
Oh yeh, this site is really cool because people on here know their stuff without being upthemselves, and also because everyone knows how to take a joke without takin things to far...

so good job to the moderators, and good job to the people who use this server, cuz u can't have a good forum without good people
Thats pretty tame compared to the bitch/whinge fights that go down on the nsmb.com forums. If I ever see another thread that's just an argument about whether a drop in a picture was 12 foot or really just 11.5 it will be way too soon.
And having actually run a peg, I say fark those guys, it was fun and as soon as I track down a 10mm axle that can handle it, I'll be doing it again.
msbhvn said:
thats it, I notice a tend through american/canadian forums, be it for MTB or cars, they all seem to love themsleves all to much.

They need to have more active moderators that keep out the crap, thats why I like this site so much, the simple fact that everyone gets along is great

Interesting that this topic has come up.
I am a Canadian, born and raised in Vancouver. But have been living over here since '98.
I am proud of where i am from...BUT...I made a trip back home a year ago last April. Got a bunch of days in riding which was a blast, except for the second to last day when i met up with an old friend and some of his firends for a ride.
All morning long it was "Bro, I owned you on this...Dog I owned you on that....Dude, no one owns that track more than you or I!!!"
It was s****, all they did was slag other riders and talk about themselves, and they weren't that good technically, either am i though!
But it's their attitude that sux, and you can see it on the forums.
I used to sit on the nsmb.com forum but i got sick of the ego's and the pathetic banter.
Don't get me wrong, i love The Great White North, but looks like alot of people need to change their attitudes a bit. Less bitchin with each other and at each other and more celebrating the fact that they are all out their together riding! :)
If you need another reason why moderation is important (as with all things : ), check out this thread on one of the other forums i hang out on, it starts out with someone posting about their achievement, and by halfway down the page has turned into a total bitch fight. And the worrying thing is that every thread on there is like that. They need more moderation than what they have now (none), and if it doesn't happen i'll stop visiting, and BANG!, another member lost.

So i guess it's not just the fact that we are aussie that makes Farkin cool, it must just be the fact that we're all goddamn awesome :D

Considering how many members and posts we have, there is an amazingly small amount of moderation required here (no more than 20 posts i would estimate have been moderated, out of almost 13 thousand). I commend you all thoroughly for being a nice bunch of people.

Ridemonkey is moderated pretty heavily. However, it's pretty biased modding IMO, they chucked MW and about 30 other guys (me and Gutty included) off the boards just cos of MW calling some guy a "dork". That was after the loooong saga of Mudhog, who got booted AFTER FOLLOWING THE PROPER PROCEDURE to deal with offensive behaviour (naturally, his behaviour after being persecuted wasn't exactly role model material).

The moral of the story is: don't tell Americans they need more power!
belly_up said:
If you need another reason why moderation is important (as with all things : ), check out this thread on one of the other forums i hang out on, it starts out with someone posting about their achievement, and by halfway down the page has turned into a total bitch fight. And the worrying thing is that every thread on there is like that. They need more moderation than what they have now (none), and if it doesn't happen i'll stop visiting, and BANG!, another member lost.

So i guess it's not just the fact that we are aussie that makes Farkin cool, it must just be the fact that we're all goddamn awesome :D

Considering how many members and posts we have, there is an amazingly small amount of moderation required here (no more than 20 posts i would estimate have been moderated, out of almost 13 thousand). I commend you all thoroughly for being a nice bunch of people.


All 20 of those must have been mine then... ;)
haha Socket your getting better :)

One thing i just noticed on Pinkbike is which is typical ... they are always talking about themselves .. Im interested in reading about others point of views on Rennies win etc ... DHrace has some info about top 10 rider Heargraves ( Spelling ) and some info on the NZ dude who came 9th.

I couldnt find a single thread on Pinkbike regarding The 2nd worldcup round it's all crap.

We will own them soon. :twisted:

perfor8r said:
msbhvn said:
thats it, I notice a tend through american/canadian forums, be it for MTB or cars, they all seem to love themsleves all to much.

They need to have more active moderators that keep out the crap, thats why I like this site so much, the simple fact that everyone gets along is great

Interesting that this topic has come up.
I am a Canadian, born and raised in Vancouver. But have been living over here since '98.
I am proud of where i am from...BUT...I made a trip back home a year ago last April. Got a bunch of days in riding which was a blast, except for the second to last day when i met up with an old friend and some of his firends for a ride.
All morning long it was "Bro, I owned you on this...Dog I owned you on that....Dude, no one owns that track more than you or I!!!"
It was s****, all they did was slag other riders and talk about themselves, and they weren't that good technically, either am i though!
But it's their attitude that sux, and you can see it on the forums.
I used to sit on the nsmb.com forum but i got sick of the ego's and the pathetic banter.
Don't get me wrong, i love The Great White North, but looks like alot of people need to change their attitudes a bit. Less bitchin with each other and at each other and more celebrating the fact that they are all out their together riding! :)

Having travelled to america 4 times now between 1990 and last year I have noticed a big change in the attitude of people over there, I didnt mean anything personally towards you, I am just saying this as I saw them.

Most canadians where nice, but then others went out of their way to be pricks. Americans, on the other hand, were a pain, I couldnt wait to get away from there.
Having travelled to america 4 times now between 1990 and last year I have noticed a big change in the attitude of people over there, I didnt mean anything personally towards you, I am just saying this as I saw them.

Most canadians where nice, but then others went out of their way to be pricks. Americans, on the other hand, were a pain, I couldnt wait to get away from there.

no offence taken! :D
You got d****h**** with attitude everywhere you go, we just don't need it in MTB'ing !
I guess if they want to be like, them let 'em...we're doing just fine over here!
:D <--- Happy transplanted Canadian
just remember guys, people are signing up and posting bacause this is a mountain bike website, it's cool that we have a off topic area and a growing comunity but lets remember to post stuff about mountain bikes once in a while.
Ty said:
just remember guys, people are signing up and posting bacause this is a mountain bike website, it's cool that we have a off topic area and a growing comunity but lets remember to post stuff about mountain bikes once in a while.

I don't have time to ride mountain bikes, I'm too busy posting here.