Why I DNF at Stromlo


Likes Dirt
Qualifying run at state round one..
tyre blew off the rim into the double on tripple treat section...
yep.. unlucky...
back on the bike soon enough hopefully.



Farkin guerilla
Grant, you were fucking pinning that section. I took a photo of you at the berm before the first of the triple set and thought "fuck me he's going fast!"..next thing I know everyone's freakin' out cos you got t3h 0wNzOrZz. And I didn't even see it. :(

Pretty epic.


Likes Dirt
Well, talk about bad luck...

Least you had a decent stack.

Despite what your guardian angle says, you should have hit the jump. Faracloth would have.

Alec McJo

Likes Bikes and Dirt
That's awesome.

As long as bones weren't broken, It would be worth not finishing just to say "that's me in that picture".


Likes Dirt
Nice one Grant:D

Get your HT and come ride Sydney!
yeah man, i'm getting on the HT for sure, not making it all the way to sydney i'm affraid though. going to take some awaba DH on this weekend if i'm feeling up to it..

as for injuries, alot of damaged pride, and possible small break in my foot, and afew burst blood vessels (if you look closely at the first pic of my left foot you can see why)..
if i'm still limping around its advised i go get some x-rays, so hopefully i get over it and back on the bike no problems.

Bring on round 2!


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Well, talk about bad luck...

Least you had a decent stack.

Despite what your guardian angle says, you should have hit the jump. Faracloth would have.
now that is the reason why he is my favourite rider...nuts stak up the top though...bad luck


Likes Bikes and Dirt

what happened with the wheel?

the tyre and tube is off before you hit the dropy/jump thing.