WSMTB 2010 - Club Racing - Round 1 Results


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Apologies for the delay. We did have some timing issues on the weekend.

To eliminate the issues for Round 2 [18th April] if riders could follow the steps outlined on the WSMTB Club home page it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks to everyone for coming out to yellomundee and racing.

For the Round 1 Results click here
Ah so that's why the timing was a bit messed up. I can see how the dual "check in" could cause some confusion.

Was a great day of racing (despite my chain deciding to jump off the big ring in the 1st 500m after probably the best start I've ever had in any race - karma is a bitch). Rain held off, track was sweet and everybody looked like they were having fun.

Looking at the results I was curious where do the novice riders race? I assume they are only doing part of the course I'm just not sure what part. Useful to know if I can ever convince some newbies to come up for the day.

Thanks to the trail fairies, as per usual a good job done.

Looking forward to the rest of the series.
Neils off season training has really taken him leaps and bounds.
With this, his first race of the season, and wearing what seemed to be a full length
body suit that was cast from the andrew lumley mould, he took out Round 1
with a very impressive average lap time of 18.31964865380943 km/hr

ps. The club is working on improving the Registration process.
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yeah great race, decided to give the xtra lap in C grade a go, it hurts. And thanks to the Volenteers who commit their time to run a great event,,,,,
Though I gotta ask are these results going to be taken seriosly towards end C/points. Looking at Lap times leaves a lot to contemplate.
Or maybe for C/points only, event could be ran in Age/Dist. categorie.
I'll shut up now.
Neils off season training has really taken him leaps and bounds.
With this, his first race of the season, and wearing what seemed to be a full length
body suit that was cast from the andrew lumley mould, he took out Round 1
with a very impressive average lap time of 18.31964865380943 km/hr

ps. The club is working on improving the Registration process.

I'm confirming it was 100% Neil, I was there.
Though I gotta ask are these results going to be taken seriosly towards end C/points. Looking at Lap times leaves a lot to contemplate..

There were def' some sandbaggers racing on the w/e. I was sitting about midfield in B grade and was passed by 3 C graders in the first lap!!!
Hopefully they will enter a more appropriate grade when they realise they are fitter than they first though. :cool:
There were def' some sandbaggers racing on the w/e. I was sitting about midfield in B grade and was passed by 3 C graders in the first lap!!!
Hopefully they will enter a more appropriate grade when they realise they are fitter than they first though. :cool:
as soon as you get the last bunch of sanbaggers to move up a new bunch shows up, what gives.
The current results are not correct [as rightly stated here]
we are working on fixing up the results so if you have any queries let us know via email
xc [@]

so sorry. i had a pretty insane week leading up to the race and didn't set up a thread
lesson learnt - sorry!!!!

see you next round?
Sunday 18th April 2010
The current results are not correct [as rightly stated here]
we are working on fixing up the results so if you have any queries let us know via email
xc [@]

so sorry. i had a pretty insane week leading up to the race and didn't set up a thread
lesson learnt - sorry!!!!

see you next round?
Sunday 18th April 2010
No worries mate, my daughter asked on sunday morning, is there a race on? she works at coles when a few riders came in and asked her if she was racing? i knew something was on later when i seen a heap of cars heading back from yellowmundee!!!..nevermind next time!