XC, enduro or downhill riding?


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Hi All,

I have been doing a lot of trail riding recently, I love the fitness and challenge of going uphill, but enjoy the coming back down side too :) :) ...should i focus on xc or dh? and what sort of training do you recommend? and are there any races for beginners in SA?


^Once punched Jeff Kennett. Don't pick an e-fight
A 5inch travel xc/enduro bike sounds like the ticket for you ;)


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I currently have an XTC 1 (Giant) which is a great climber - but very jumpy coming down the hill, plus also a borrowed Norco Team XC, but with 6 inch forks and its a tad heavy for uphill use. I have seriously been looking at the Trance's + also the Reign's... and still very torn!


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But i have also been riding about 2 hours a day... and just love it... so how do you know what discipline to focus on? instead of doing train shuttles ... i just ride back up the hill... What are the defining points for both?


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Play at all the diciplines. They all complement each other nicely. Downhill when shuttles are on offer, all mountain when they arn't. XC for those longer rides.

Ever riden XC with an acomplished DH rider? THey usually rip it up!