Your dumbest stack

Ive had a few

one time riding home from school along a cycle way i was going as fast as i could. at the end of the cycle way where it crossed the road there was a horizontal bar about 1 meter high. i got to that went to lock my rear brake to skid to a stop, and my cable snapped full speed into the bar i stopped dead and my bike kept going.

another was during winter(this is NZ) i had just finished work so hoped on my bike and went to pedal away but didn't notice the ice on the ground so the bike washed out. i get up quick to get laughed at by my work mates, only to passout a few seconds later. i must of hit my head or something. i woke up inside work again, to be told the ambulance was on the way.

my worst one wasn't bike related but still funny. i was a way at a friends holiday home that had this huge rope swing. little 5 year olds where doing it so i thought i better. i grab the rope go to jump on the stick/seat thing and it spins around so im just holding on with my legs and can fell me slipping. sure enough at the highest point i fall off. falling over 3 meters landing on my back. i come to and i cant move. im thinking "oh shit im paralyzed" but i was just mega winded. eventually i get up and walk to the car. we drive 2.5 hrs to the closest hospital. i walk in they tell me to sit down. eventually i get to go have a xray. they say its not to serious but we will keep you in over night so the specialist can have a look at the xray. next morning the specialist says don't move and i have to say on my back for a couple of week's and then wear a back brace for 4 months.

haven't riden since then but im wanting to get back on the bike


Likes Dirt
Stupidest: Stopping at a set of lights on my first day with clipless, unclipping my left leg, feeling my weight shift right and down i go. The worst bit was that all the cars stopped at the lights saw me, and all started honking their horns and laughing at me.

Most Unlucky Hitting a loose rock just before the lip of a 2 foot jump. That caused me to lose balance, and because my bike is front heavy, nose dive. When my front wheel landed it got caught in a small rut, but my suspension just got me out of that. So I'm rolling along on my front wheel thinking about how lucky I was to get out of that without a stack, and this tree comes out of nowhere clips the end of my bars and over I go. It was all caught on tape but something happened with the camera and we lost all the footage.


Likes Dirt
in my early years i had the bright idea to slow down by putting my foot (whilst wearing thongs) on the back tyre. thong got caught in spokes i came off. somehow the bit on the thong that goes between your toes twisted around my big toe, thus i couldnt free myself from the bike. dad had to come down the street and cut my thong off :)


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Back in the day, we had a wooden see-saw at my local park. The plank was pretty long, and the pivot point was about 60cm of the ground. The great thing about these was that the plank was just that, a plank, about 5 meters long and about 25 cm wide, with no handles.

We used to ride the see-saw on our BMX's. We used to hit them with a fair bit of speed and try and launch off the see and land on the grass, past the saw.

My mate was standing on the pivot point on the see-saw, with me approaching the lowered end on my bike. At the last minute, he moved backwards, instead of jumping off to the side, causing the end of the see-saw to spring up into my path. I split my chin, bit through the end of my tongue, and bloodied my nose. My mates thought it was sooo funny, until I started spitting heaps of blood out of my mouth all over their bikes. It hurt something bad. I punched my mate. He cried. Pretty stupid huh
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Likes Bikes
i cant remember any of mine but
i was on a camp and we were getin shown hoe to do log overs (like we need to be taught) and bike_breaker comes up, "i'l do it" goes up and bunyhops it, front wheel digs in to the sand on the other side he goes a over t and ends up with the bike on him, bloody funny
another one was dirt_hurts doin a foot drop of a demountable classroom veranda, he has no speed and obviosly goes front wheel first into dirt and head over handlebars, everyone pisses themselves
i was riding home from school and i road past some hot chicks and as i was having a bit of a look it hit a parked car and smashed its tail light lol.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
So order of recall

In the early 90's somewhere in the middle of the B grade XC field (Collie WA) , my arms collapsed going thru a small dip and my front wheel x'ed up. My knee went into the front wheel locking it up and sending me otb. 4 spokes popped on my knee and the rim was taco'd.

Riding home from high school with a couple of mates, I moved out a bit as we approached some parked cars and somebody opened a door. Mate was behind me and overlapped my back wheel , we both go down @ 40 k's and I get a huge tyre burn under my armpit ! A huge rubber impregnated scab about the size of a handprint took ages to heal...

Working at a bike shop - had one of the first model Marzocchi suspension forks on my Shogun and rode under the bike rack where the bikes used to hang by the front wheel. Misjudged the clearance and hit my head on one of the hooks. 10 stitches from a GP who reeked of Port...

Lane splitting in peak hour traffic, looking over shoulder and drifted left so that my knee took off the rear view mirror of a Commodore stuck in the line of cars. Over the bars of my road bike and landed next to the driver of the car in front of the car I hit. Feet still well strapped in (clips n straps) I was face down on the wet road with my legs and bike tangled up on my back. Looking at the car next to me rear view mirror thinking $hit it didn't even break off ! rode to work and they took one look at my swollen up knee sent me off for some x rays.

Had few stacks while testing out customers bikes after work done - always fixed up any damage I did however minimal


Eats Squid
Ha ha.Last week I was riding on the NSW south coast,around Jervis bay.Beautiful place.
Anyway I was riding the ridgline following the beach and the track took a turn down a short steep track onto the beach.I knew it would not work,but rode it anyway.End result,I cartwheeled onto the beach in front of a few surprized bathers.I had sand everywhere,but no damage done.


Ok here's another Clipless related injury. Years ago, on my second XC ride with clipless i was climbing a big firetrail hill at Loftus or Helensburg (i forget which). Anyway halfway up I stop for a breather, unclip my right leg no problem, my left leg however gets caught and i fall over sideways. On the way down my still clipped in left leg spins a half rotation which causes the big chainring to slice through my right calf like a circular saw, cutting right through the skin and fat and deep into the muscle.

Funny thing is though, I barely felt it, I just thought it was a bad graze. When I finally reached the top (pedaling no less) I laughed and told my mate what happened and he pointed out that my leg was covered in blood. Ended up using a dirty sock as a dressing and taking a trip to the medical centre for 20 subcutaneous stitches and 12 regular stitches. If I wasn't writing this from work I could post the nice gory pictures...


Likes Bikes and Dirt
^^^^^^^^^^^ = Ouch.

My friend who rides BMX packed too much grease into his hub, didn't tell me, hub skipped 1-2m away from the jump, knee hit the stem, went over the jump retardedly (it was only small) hit my knee again on landing fell over.

leitch has had a few faceslides from his quite excellent SS setup.... funny as to watch... Stirring...


Likes Dirt
I lowsided my R1 through a fence in Springwood once....wont do that again...

Whaaat?! that was on two wheels too....:p

Oh and I looped a mates pushy on the lawn in front of his garage...:rolleyes:


Likes Bikes
Riding on the footpath with a rake (I was building at my track) and tried to ride in between someones fence and a railing next to the road,

Mmmmm It didn't fit :p

Even worse it was seriously about 50m from my house!


Likes Bikes and Dirt
My first real stack happened when i was 6 years old. My dad had just taken off the training wheels on my super cool green pedal-brake super duper k-mart bike. (yeah, i was a slow learner)
Firstly, when i used to ride with trainig wheels and i wanted to turn a corner, i would just, turn the bars 90 degrees, knowing the training wheels where there to keep my upright.
Well, first go on the trainingwheel-less bike, i was going down my driveway (which, at the time had a 90 degree turn at the end to avoid a 1m drop with sharpish rocks) and though 'eek better turn now'....i immediately turned the handlebars 90 degreees.
Bars went straight into my gut, and the bike and i, went off the edge and landed on sharp rocks.
I still have the bike, and guess what. I put the training wheels back on :p

Good first two-wheeled experience eh!


Likes Dirt
lol mine was when i was riding along the footpath i looked back to my mate and my wheel drifted to the side in between the grass and the footpath and over the handlebars i went.


Likes Dirt
the old faithful one when your leaning on your bike from the side, and it falls back and you land on top of it, and also on top of that you look like the biggest dickhead ahahah.


Likes Bikes
riding down the street, looking right, turning left...didnt see the parked car untill i was laying on the windshield.


Likes Dirt
haha mine is easily the stupidest..
On the way down to Croyden Hills with a slurpee in my left hand...
Going pretty fast aswell...almost at a kerb...hit the brakes..
Oh shit the front brakes..
and i wasnt wearing gloves either so really they broke my fall and really..they didnt have skin.
Now thats bloody stupid.


Likes Dirt
haha mine is easily the stupidest..
On the way down to Croyden Hills with a slurpee in my left hand...
Going pretty fast aswell...almost at a kerb...hit the brakes..
Oh shit the front brakes..
and i wasnt wearing gloves either so really they broke my fall and really..they didnt have skin.
Now thats bloody stupid.
But did you save the slurpie? :p