Zerode gearbox cover and covers for other bikes !!


Likes Dirt
Hey guys

So the other day I saw a zerode gearbox cover and thought it was a great idea ! (I think it was on the page"zelvy carbon" great page, go give it a like ;) ) anyways I decided to build one myself as my gearbox gets clogged with dirt, mud and all sorts of other stuff as I find it makes my bike sound horrible and can sometimes fling stuff everywhere. So here is how I made it !


Things you need
A zerode (obviously)
2l milk carton or something similar that has a bit of flex in it
Self adhesive velcro I personally used hook n loop but whatever works just fine
Something to clean up the frame
Pencil (works the best on the plastic)
Stanley knife (optional)
Some stickers and paint to put on it at the end !!!! ;) not optional ;)

step 0.5: optional !! I took off the little chain guid thing that guides the chain through to the gearbox just because it is easier to work with but is optional

Step 1: I gave the gearbox and area a good clean

Step 2: I got some velcro we had lying around and put it around the gearbox area to where I would like to attach the cover, all I did was put it on and cut it to size, like so.

This is the velcro stuff i used

This is what the gearbox area looks like

Step 3: get the milk carton or whatever you are using and rinsed it through or clean it

Step 4: cut the milk carton to the approximately similar size of the gearbox area, like so

Step 5: put the cut out over the gearbox area and trace the out line of the metal around the gearbox

Step 6: cut it out and make it fit aswell as possible, I put it on and held it in place and used a Stanley knife the cut off the excess plastic but that's optional

Step 7: put the other side of the vlecro on the plastic part and cut it to size
*note* I put the hard non fluffy part on the frame as it will last longer and the plastic cut out with the velcro on it it will be easier to replace than the frame part would be

But this is how it should look
*another note* stupid me took a pic of it the wrong way round but you get the idea (hopefully !)

Step 6: place the cover on the gearbox area and it will look like this


Step 7: grab the ruler and pencil and mark out where the chain guide thing is so that the chain can go through

Step 8: cut it out and make it fit and try to make it fit perfectly with minimal clearance in each side so no dirt and stuff will get through the gaps

Step 9: make sure all of the velcro is firmly pressed down and there is no loose sides or the potential for loose sides to come up

Congratulations you now have a gearbox cover that is removable !!

*Optional part*

Now customise it !!

I have yet to do so as I ran out of time but will hopefully do so soon

Congratulations you now have a "fuly sik" gearbox cover !! :)

*Extra notes*
-The velcro may need replacing after a while

-feel free to try different variants of this on your own bike such as a shock cover or linkage cover or something similar ! Make sure you post photos tho !!

-it is removable but be careful when removing as it may pull up the velcro if consistently done

- make sure you press firmly down when installed as it may not be stuck down properly

- this form took me over 1.5 hrs to write on my phone when the cover only took 30 mins tops :/

Thanks for reading ! And look forward to reading/viewing the stuff you guys post !!