What Pisses You Off?


Likes Dirt
I Hate: council for destroying tracks and causing twice as much damage to the environment whilst doing it eg bringing in a bobcat to destroy a foot wide piece of track

I Hate: when people come to a track and want you to change everything on it to suit ther special needs. If it isnt challenging you wont build any new skills.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
people who go out and buy bike worth excess of $2500 and just ride them on the footpath to walk the dog, and/or take them somewere decent and then walk everything that isn't flat and then get down the bottom and talk themselves up like they are hardcore....annoying


Likes Bikes and Dirt
people who go out and buy bike worth excess of $2500 and just ride them on the footpath to walk the dog, and/or take them somewere decent and then walk everything that isn't flat and then get down the bottom and talk themselves up like they are hardcore....annoying
We call them kids..


Likes Dirt
I hate;

My reluctance to hit new/bigger stuff. Going to Stromlo and getting the STP helped that immensely, but I am still something of a chicken.

That rock garden on Stromlo where I kept clipping my cranks/bb, and never got a clean run through.

That a tiny little bit of rain turns most of the Kiera trails into muddy death marches for weeks afterward.

That my skill level isn't anywhere approaching that of my riding buddies.

The fact that Bally/Tarrawanna is eroding to shit.

Wollongong "Secret society" riders who think the sky will fall in if anyone but them ride the trails that are pretty much common knowledge.

The fact that my Argle 318 blows through it's travel fairly quickly but still feels really hard.

The fact that my road bike needs a new seatpost and stem to make it comfortable for me.

That's about it.
people who think they are top shit on the dh and free ride tracks who have bikes that are way to good for there abillity and don't do half the drops and jumps because there to pussy and get cut at you because your just on the track that leads around the drop or jump because your bike has had a mechanicle error from doinf the drop or jumps.

To some holidayers at eatons: you don't own the farkin track and when the track finishes in the middle of the forest how the hell eles are you going to get back up the hill. when we saw you we pulled to the side of the track if your so crap that you fall of your bike at the site of us and then get pissed off because you and your gt are freeked out then you should take to another trail.:)

good bitch thread yo:rolleyes:
Arrogant senior members who make new people on Farkin feel like retards for asking questions cause they havent spent the last 5-10 years Downhilling and know every little tech aspect of riding, everybody's goota learn the same way you did


Likes Bikes
people boobie trapping DH tracks with ropes tried around branches and putting big loose rocks on landing spots that send you off to the big Farkin trees around the edges.......:mad:

Mud Fliker

Likes Dirt
I hate it when your donhilling with a first time down hiller and they slow you down when you wont to get to the bottom


What pisses me of is elitism. I'm sorry to say it, but at the WA State Champs last year was a weekend of elitism from top to bottom. Sure, i'm an insanely slow noob, but get off your high horse guys, everyone starts out somewhere. Sure, i cased the tabletop at the end and my run was 2:45 but seriously, some people need to grow up. I met two really nice guys though, the guy starting in front and the guy behind me. Both really fast, both great guys.

Its not just then, some people can be so stuck up. Haven't been riding in a month since getting my steed stolen. I hope for the sake of the sport it's different when i get back.


I HATE IT when your racing, its your last run, your 2 seconds behind the leader, you feel your ahead, then some little punk kid jumps in the middle of the track, puts you off, and find out you came second, because of some little kid. that really pisses me off


i hate it when my bike stops working

also when the older guys on farkin have a cry about the spelling of others.....
harden the f**k up:)