Oz Ryder as a name?


Likes Dirt
My partner and I are expecting our first child within a couple of months.

For a boy, we are faily keen on Oz Ryder (Ozzie)

If it's a girl, we are liking Olive Audrey (Liv).

Both these names have meanings and connections to us,

Wondering peoples thoughts and opinions on these combinations?
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Are you joking?
You would actually call your son Oz Ryder?
Do the kid a favour and give him a normal name.
Something like:
You get the idea.
My partner and I are expecting our first child within a couple of months.

For a boy, we are faily keen on Oz Ryder (Ozzie)

If it's a girl, we are liking Olive Audrey (Liv).

Both these names have meanings and connections to us,

Wondering peoples thoughts and opinions on these combinations?

save 11 years and buy him an stp and set up his farkin account

Im going to name my son bailey and raise him in a shoe
An especially good idea if he dosen't like MTB. "Here comes the Australian Rider.... Ozzie..... Ryder?":(
Im always about not judging a book by its cover, but are bizarre names entirely necessary. Is it entirely necessary for your childs name to have meaning to you? surely this child is going to mean entirely new things and worthy of a clean slate.
save 11 years and buy him an stp and set up his farkin account

Im going to name my son bailey and raise him in a shoe

But have you ever drunk baileys out of a shoe?

I have, and got the pictures to prove it.

(don't do it btw, it freakin sucks)

I'm sick of these hyphenated bull**** names like Tammarah-Jayne. Give em a proper name and spell it normally.

Hard to go past the classic names. Luke, Justin, Rose, Kate etc. etc.
Also think about how your son might feels when he grows up.
He may hate that name, especially if he doesn't like MTB.
I know even though I love MTB i'd hate it if that was my name so I reackon you'd just be better off going for a normal name.
Mate, go against the fad and give the kid a well respected proper name. None of this 'Jessikah' or 'Peach-Apple-Plum-Leaf' crap.

Names I like are those that are standard but not too common:
- June
- Rosie
- Viviane
- Grace
- Hope
- Craig
- Gary
- Rohan
Its your decision of course, but I wouldn't. At least call the child Oscar, Osbourne, Oswald, etc if you must call it 'Oz' or Ozzie'.
Oz Ryder. Wow. I'd hate you forever. The kid would be very lucky not to get picked on for that one. That's a name you earn, develop, or give yourself through life after a series of experiences etc.

Maybe take into account the child as a person, not just what you think would be a cool name which has meaning to you. It won't be your name.

If you want to name something Oz Ryder, or anything else with hektik spelling - name yourself or an inanimate object, not a poor defenseless child.
Olive Audrey is fine, but I share the opinions of others that Oz Ryder is less than stellar in the choice department.

Given the booner "Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie" element out there, I'd avoid it like the plague if you don't want your kid to be ragged on.

Ditto with Ryder. Just asking for abuse (knob rider, dog rider, etc etc).

Kids can be cruel and the less blatant openings you give them the better.

Also, don't pick a name from any flavor of the month TV show. There's an entire generation of Dillon's and Brandon's and 90210ers out there.
Thanks for everyones comments and concerns. Its all food for thought.

Just to clarify:

The first name would be Oz (after my partners deceased grandfather)

The middle name would be Ryder (followed by a surname...)

I have found that the occaisons are rare where both first and middle names are used together, and how many people know your middle name anyway?

Also Ryder is a name rarely linked to riding MTB, Road or STP's by non-cyclists. There are also horses, motorbikes and more to ride.... He may just like to ride the rides at the royal show!

We also didn't think that these choices were names with bizzare spelling as they frequently pop up on babyname websites - each with their own definitions.

Any comments on Olive? (my deceased grandmothers name [in case people think this is another bizzare one])

Thanks again, keep the comments coming! :)
Given the booner "Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie" element out there, I'd avoid it like the plague if you don't want your kid to be ragged on.

This is a concern.

That's a name you earn, develop, or give yourself through life after a series of experiences etc.

I like this thinking.

Names are a hard thing. I'm sure for any name posted on here, people could think of a payout.

Is MATT someone who gets walked all over.... ? :p

Anyone got names that are completely pay-out free?
In all honestly, Ryder is a name which I've only seen attached to kids whose parents probably did a lot of drugs during the pregnancy.

Your partner's grandfather's full christian name was 'Oz'?
Olive... Olly/Ollie seems most likely what she'll be called. Just makes me think of a dull green thing. Still, 2 babies I know born recently were called Noah, and I don't think of some bearded boatbuilder when they are talked about.

Ryder as a first name though, that would sit fine with me - although as previously mentioned things like cock rider etc become all to easy. Still, cool name.

If someone has a funny name, it will almost always come up. People can't resist the urge to leak or discuss things like that.
Full name was Oswald. But only really known as Oz or Ozzie.

Ryder as a first name does bring up some interesting scenarios.

I thought nickname for Olive would be Liv or Livy - but this is why its good to see how other people would look at it.
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Any comments on Olive?
I like it, not many people would have it these days (I only know one Olive). Although, when I hear it I keep thinking of the old Popeye cartoons. I can't think of anyway to bag it out though. Especially since Popeye was cool.
Also Ryder is a name rarely linked to riding MTB, Road or STP's by non-cyclists. There are also horses, motorbikes and more to ride.... He may just like to ride the rides at the royal show!
But if that's the context at all, why deliberately misspell it?