2011/12 VIC DH Series - Official Thread

That Under 19 Kona rider is sooo dominant! Will anybody dare match his speed? I doubt it!!!!

Good to see Rhys up at the pointy end again!
If anyone's still looking for accommodation at Narbethong, there are still vacancies at Wombat Cottage ph 5963 7280
She's back from holidays now. It's the closest accommodation to the course, and is not listed on the official program.

I've met a lot of you when you've called into my shop just before the turn-off from the Maroondah Hwy. Looking forward to seeing you again in March. I have good maps, camping supplies, drinks, ice-creams, pies etc.

If you have any questions about Narbethong, please ask, and I'll try to help.
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2012 Vic State Champs

Bring on the next event on the VDHS calendar, The 2012 KONA Victorian State Champs

10th & 11th March.

Remember that this event is the ''State Champs'', your ranking in the current series counts for nothing. You will start in the order you register. So if you don't want to worry about catching people on the track register early.

Online Rego now open.
Use this link
Online entries close midnight Wednesday 7th March

As this is the State Champs we have decided to give everyone a seeding run on Saturday. Please not that practice will start earlier on Saturday to allow for the seeding. Please see revised schedule below.

Course available for on foot inspection only (NO RIDING) - This will be strictly enforced at this event as there will be skills clinics taking place!

0700 - 1600 Registration Open
0800 - 1300 Official course practise (ALL GROUPS)

0800 - 0900 Registration Open. (Entries after 0900 will not be accepted) If you only arrive on Sunday you will have missed the seeding run so you will be issued the next start time for your category.
0800 - 1200 Official Course Practice (ALL GROUPS)
1215 Sharp. Rider Briefing at event central (All riders MUST attend)
1230 Racing Begins
Presentations will be held at the conclusion of the Elite Mens final

The track at Narby is one of the longest DH tracks in Australia, 5 minute + runs and features something for everyone, from tight & technical too long and flowing sections. This track has been given a full face light by the crew at FTFDH and is sure to test everyone.

If you think our normal VDHS races are big, this event will be huge with FTF and VDHS set to introduce plenty of new features to benefit both riders and spectators

For the full information on the State Champs Event click here
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0700 - 1600 Registration Open
0830 - 1230 Official course practise (ALL GROUPS)

Does this mean all classes will get a seeding on Sat? And that will determin starting order on Sun?
Does this mean all classes will get a seeding on Sat? And that will determin starting order on Sun?

Correct, all classes will get a seeding run on Saturday and this will decide the start order Sunday.

If you don't complete a seeding run you will be allocated the next start time for your category.
Correct, all classes will get a seeding run on Saturday and this will decide the start order Sunday.

If you don't complete a seeding run you will be allocated the next start time for your category.

This, is a very good move.

I think something similar to nationals, with 1hr of pro practice before their seeding could be a good idea, on such a long tight track to, where it will be hard for top riders to otherwise do full runs
Seems to make sense...
Although with with such a long shuttle and small turnaround area, it's going to be hard to get more than a few practice runs with only half a day of practice.
Seems to make sense...
Although with with such a long shuttle and small turnaround area, it's going to be hard to get more than a few practice runs with only half a day of practice.

Just curious, How long is the track, being a 5-6 minuite track, and at high speed, it must be pretty long.
how long is the shuttle aswell?
Just curious, How long is the track, being a 5-6 minuite track, and at high speed, it must be pretty long.
how long is the shuttle aswell?

The shuttle up isn't that long, it's just pretty narrow and sketchy in sections which would make the trip up a little slower. The FTFDH crew are pros at organising shuttles. I doubt the wait will be that long.
2012 KONA Victorian State Champs

2012 KONA Victorian State Champs
10th & 11th March.

As previously posted the schedule for this event is different to the normal VDHS races. Saturday practice has now been extended even further. All the details are below or check out the VDHS website for even more info.

Remember that this event is the ''State Champs'', your ranking in the current series counts for nothing. You will start in the order you register. So if you don't want to worry about catching people on the track register early.

Online Rego now open.
Use this link
Online entries close midnight Wednesday 7th March

As this is the State Champs we have decided to give everyone a seeding run on Saturday. Please not that practice will start earlier on Saturday to allow for the seeding. Please see revised schedule below.

Course available for on foot inspection only (NO RIDING) - This will be strictly enforced at this event as there will be skills clinics taking place!

0700 - 1600 Registration Open
0800 - 1300 Official course practise (ALL GROUPS)

0800 - 0900 Registration Open. (Entries after 0900 will not be accepted) If you only arrive on Sunday you will have missed the seeding run so you will be issued the next start time for your category.
0800 - 1200 Official Course Practice (ALL GROUPS)
1215 Sharp. Rider Briefing at event central (All riders MUST attend)
1230 Racing Begins
Presentations will be held at the conclusion of the Elite Mens final

The track at Narby is one of the longest DH tracks in Australia, 5 minute + runs and features something for everyone, from tight & technical too long and flowing sections. This track has been given a full face light by the crew at FTFDH and is sure to test everyone.

If you think our normal VDHS races are big, this event will be huge with FTF and VDHS set to introduce plenty of new features to benefit both riders and spectators

For the full information on the State Champs Event click here
Is there anywhere to camp near the track/fairly close?

There will be a paddock available to camp in about 1km from the bottom of the track, we are kindly being allowed to use this land, so we need to treat it with respect. We'll get the full details on the VDHS website a bit nearer the time.
You will start in the order you register. So if you don't want to worry about catching people on the track register early.


If you only arrive on Sunday you will have missed the seeding run so you will be issued the next start time for your category.

Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't seeding going to be determining where riders start in the race and not the order they register in?
Online Rego for Narby closes WEDNESDAY night

2012 KONA Victorian State Champs at Narbethong is this weekend (10th & 11th March.)

Use this link

Don't forget that practice for this event starts 8am Saturday
Seeding for all categories starts at 1.30 Saturday
Sunday - Practice starts 8am
Sunday - Racing from 12.30

For the full information on the State Champs Event click here
Is there a reason we can't do private shuttles, apart from making people want to pay for the kovarik clinic?
I mean, it is a public road isnt it?
There will be a paddock available to camp in about 1km from the bottom of the track, we are kindly being allowed to use this land, so we need to treat it with respect. We'll get the full details on the VDHS website a bit nearer the time.

Are details on the camping available yet? Would be good to know if we can we camp there Friday night too. I can't find anything on the VDHS website.
Hey guys, there's a stretch of the road between Healesville and Narbethong where the cops hide in the bush dressed in camo and armed with radar guns. They normally hang out on the long straight stretch before you get to the Fernshaw picnic ground (so not that far out of Healesville) so don't exceed the 80 kph speed limit. That's the only section of the road where most people will speed.