What does your day look like?

I commend your bravery using spring compressors. Doesn't matter how many times you use them without issue they still feel like a live hand grenade ready to go off at any time.

Yep. Had one let go on me once over the years and it is genuinely scary... This compressor set are pretty decent though and these springs are not too tightly wound up.

But yes - caution is being exercised!!
as we used to say in Canberra
"it is a social blunder to live in Narrabundah !"
had your tools knocked off by the sunshine club yet?
I commend your bravery using spring compressors. Doesn't matter how many times you use them without issue they still feel like a live hand grenade ready to go off at any time.

A big bag of quality 150N zipties feels safer. Getting one spring compressor off when the other has slipped is a truly life altering moment
as we used to say in Canberra
"it is a social blunder to live in Narrabundah !"
had your tools knocked off by the sunshine club yet?

Yeah it’s not awesome... Sunshine Club? Is that the local drug dealers, the housos, the smack addicts or the new wave of yuppie fuckwits?
Great day with mates, pub crawl through Surry Hills en route to the AFL.

After ridin’ w/ @Ultra Lord, installed the joist tape & corner to corner strapping on the first deck panel:


Once I’ve installed some post knee bracing & the final angled joist, we are good to screw the decking down.

Second (last) steel panel bits delivered soon, along with a shit tonne of deck boards.

Wifey helped today too which is always nice

^ looks a bit like the kind of cape Macho Man Randy Savage used to wear in the 80s.

I finally did it! Kicked off the shackles of life and have made it into the forest on my bike...the 7km (112m of elevation) highway death ride to get here felt like I was riding the tour! I suspect that I may be carrying a few extra kilos of poodle poop. I feel very rusty.