2010 Unofficial Downhill World Cup Tipping Competition

How many people have Kovarik and Lehikoinen so far? 3 People (myself included) have them both in our teams...

I won't give away other peoples tips unless they wish, but there are three riders that are being picked very often. People must think that these riders are undervalued. Kovarik is one of them.
Team Name: Team Oz

Rider 1: Samuel Hill Salary: $100 000

Rider 2: Rhys Willemse Salary:$11 615

Rider 3: Bryn Atkinson Salary: $18 270

Total value: $129 885
Team Name: Melbourne Storm

Rider 1: Sam Hill
Salary: $45,000

Rider 2: Steve Peat
Salary: $43,000

Rider 3: Greg Minnaar
Salary: $42,000

Total value: $130,000

Looks like a winning team. I'm sure no one will check the books!!

My team is:
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Important tipping news

Fabien Barel has a broken femur. Early reports say he has had surgery and will be off the bike for 3 months.

Anyone who has Fabien Barel in their team can change him for someone with a lower salary.

Anyone who has Fabien Barel in their team and does not change their tips, will receive Nick Beer as their new team member by default.

Here's hoping Fabien recovers fully and is back kicking ass on a DH bike soon. He has had a terrible run with injury over the last few years.

As usual, change your tips by PM.
Team Name: Red Bull PINNARS

Rider 1: Salary: Steve Smith $38,354

Rider 2: Salary: Matti Lehikoinen $20,024

Rider 3: Salary: Aaron Gwin $56,382

Total value: $114,760

Sounds like I got a pretty good team:cool:
Sorry for the short notice as I have been away all week, but
Entries for the competition will close at midnight tonight (14/05/2010)
No entries or changes will be accepted after this, as qualifying starts on the 15/05/2010.

How many requests for troy do you need? I wish for him to be in my team to.

Well, that's three requests in total, which would have been sufficient if they had been made in the early stages of team selection. It's too late now, but if a mid season selection happens, TB can be added then.

Anyone who has submitted teams in the last week and is wondering why they haven't received confirmation, I have been away and will process your tips tonight.

There are a total of 57 teams competing for this years World Cup.

Good Luck!
got mine in late on friday

Team Name: Gravity Geezers

Rider 1: Salary: Gee Atherton $92498

Rider 2: Salary: Mitchell Delfs $25590

Rider 3: Salary: Dan Atherton $11857

Total value: $129945
Points standings after Round 1 - Maribor.



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I guess now that team selection has finished, the secrecy behind teams can be lifted.



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It was a shocking weekend for the Rusty Trombones.

We'll be back stronger next round!

Yeeewww Mick!