Can't remember where I was up to so will cover it all - You might want some nourishment for this one before you start to read - also ignore speeling as I don't want to google so many words
Still going to the Thoracic team in Brisbane for the Pulmonary Embolisms (almost a year now) - Not really sure why as the last doctor said "we normally only follow up for 6 mths) - Finally off the blood thinners as the last doctor also said as there was a clear "event" hospitalisation that the clots can be attributed to and they have since cleared you dont need to take them (the doctor 3 mths earlier said as the was NO clear cause I have to take them for life) - So PE is cleared and I am off the thinners.
Heart :- They were not really answering questions regarding my right side of the heart so went private - Had a halter monitor / calcium score / PE CT Scan / Stress test Echo Cardiogram.
Right side of the heart and the valves etc are fine - Stress test is fine - Bloods suggest cholesterol is on the high side of okay so just needs to be monitored - I do however have ectopic heart beats - This means I have extra beats 2% - 5% they dont care - Above 5% they monitor I have 10% which is too many so I am now on Beta blockers for the ectopic beats - as long as its controlled not really an issue
Anemia - So my new GP did blood tests and they showed a steady rapid decline in Iron levels - given my history they arrange Endoscope and Colonoscopy - they came through clear ( although do have osephageal reflux) - So now we are at taking Iron Tablets and a Multivitamin and retesting - If the iron levles have not risen on next blood test I will have to have the capsual scans on my small intestine (you swallow a camera and it takes photos until you shit it out)
Sleep Apnea - Had a sleep study and a treatment study - Have to get a CPAP machine and use it as I now have diagnosed sleep apnea ( we changed Private health providers and just have to sort it out )
Knee - my right knee was operated on a couple of years ago and "tidied up" removed miniscus and was told thats about it when its too painful you get a new knee - last 3 months has seen a steady increase in pain so that is probably coming up soon now too.
Mental Health - So the Mother In law has moved in with us - She has mild dementia / lymphoma / and old (83) frail - She had to have a skin cancer removed last week from her face which went badly with infection and bleeding and she ended up in hospital the last 4 days - Turns out on testing the skin cancer is some rare form that only 3 people in a million get and is super aggressive and travels to the lymph nodes etc and spreads - It could be possible to try and cut around the site (2 cms in all directions so removal of the jaw etc) and then treat with radiation - but she already has heart condition and lymphoma and dementia so will need pallative care to monitor pain and pretty much just die.
So I don't really have attachments emotionally to people so its not that her dying is upsetting me - i am feeling really bad as I am super agitated about stupid stuff and feel really bad that I am agitated by this stuff whilst she is pretty much just coming here to die.
I lost my TV (as if she is in the loungeroom she is watching it)
I lost my bathroom as she needs specials tool to shower and has stuff all over the sink
I lost my daughters bedroom as she has moved in there (my daughter doesnt even live here)
I lost my toilet as it had to be modified to allow her to use it
My wife is our main source of income in the household as our business relies on her - if she doesnt work we dont get paid ( i already didnt take wages for the first 3 months this year as she was helping her mom move and wasnt working enough) and now its the same having to do all the stuff for her mum means she isnt working enough and them when the mom dies dies it will be upsetting for my wife (understandably) and we have no buffer as she already isnt working enough helping her mum.
We lost money as had planned to go away last weekend and couldnt go as the mother was too sick - so now we cant plan anything as a couple until the mother passes
I cant go and get another job as I have clients to see for our work now and they are spread all through the week,
So mentally I feel terrible cause I have focused on these petty things in the larger picture - which I also may be doing to avoid focusing on the actual picture ./Shrug Pretty much feel like I ama terrible person atm