Coffee Drinkers Anonymous


Forever 1,337
Who else here are big coffee lovers? What's your poison?

I generally go with one of 3 orders

Triple-shot Mocha
good option for mornings when you need that smoothness to ease you into consciousness :p

Triple-shot Flat White
When you don't need the smoothness, just that sudden whack of energy, then your legs get super wobbly from excess consumption :p

and i've recently got into the, Double Ristretto Flat White short on the milk
interesting new one i've started on. really intense and quite short

all, naturally are sugarless, but what i pick depends on my mood.

so does anyone else have a personal favourite they can reccomend?
International Roast can't be beaten... :cool:

Talk about the caterers' blend 5kg tin for $5:D

I don't drink much coffee out, but when I do I go for what Hubbie goes for triple-shot flat white with a a moderate amount of sugar.

At home I ALWAYS opt for a fairly strong cup of Moccona Indulgence with alot of milk, my very favourite instant. And if I can be arsed perking up a pot I will brew up some Vittoria Oro....hmm nice.

Viva La Coffee! Ya gotta love it!
Gloria Jeans lover here.

Caremellatte or something remotely Mocha does it for me. :)
Latte or Cap with Cinnamon and Hazelnut mmmm

Oh, and either Grinders or Muffin break for me. GJ's uses too much of a bitter blend for my liking!
funny story actually...

someone came in today and asked for a soy, decaf vanilla latte. i pretty much wanted to stab them.
yes im a coffee snob, so sue me.
How about iced coffees?

the voltage one from gloria jeans is good all except the grinded bits of bean in there.

Personally, double shot of swiss chocolate flavored beans on a medium grind, then fill the rest with milk and two sugars, gotta love a sweet kick in the morning.
Only place i have found that sells flavored beans is The Coffee Shop, and thats in Adelaide, damn Brisbane's lack of culture.
I'm not a latte drinker, never really understood the point of weak coffee myself, but can someone PLEASE explain to me where the concept of handle-less glasses for lattes comes from?

It has to be the most fucking stupid tradition/norm/wankery I have ever seen. I mean its not like a latte is only lukewarm, it's still just as bloody hot, and in case the coffee afficianados haven't noticed, thin glass still conducts heat pretty bloody well.
I'm not a latte drinker, never really understood the point of weak coffee myself, but can someone PLEASE explain to me where the concept of handle-less glasses for lattes comes from?

It has to be the most fucking stupid tradition/norm/wankery I have ever seen. I mean its not like a latte is only lukewarm, it's still just as bloody hot, and in case the coffee afficianados haven't noticed, thin glass still conducts heat pretty bloody well.

I here you! I'm pretty sure the 'image' of drinking coffee in a trendy cafe`, coffee lounge or whatever; comes before the actual coffee itself for some people. Anyway, each to their own.

someone came in today and asked for a soy, decaf vanilla latte. i pretty much wanted to stab them.
yes im a coffee snob, so sue me.

HAHAHA that is the lamest thing I have heard. Is that even still classified as coffee?
funny story actually...

someone came in today and asked for a soy, decaf vanilla latte. i pretty much wanted to stab them.
yes im a coffee snob, so sue me.

Haha, couldn't help but think "Harden the F*** up"
Possibly helped by a friend saying it within earshot.

Hmm, not a coffee I'm out of things to contribute
Large, strong, skim cap, every day for the past 3 years. Mmmmm.

(when i was a barista, i couldnt help but laugh at the "Decaf, very weak (1/4 shot), skinny late). Seriously, drink warm water.
Double shot Cibo Alto Flat White sans sugar for me. Great kickstart for those early mornings, every morning!

FUIC (Farmers Union Iced Coffee) cant be beat. That stuff is the nectar of the Gods!
I drink a standard cappuccino each day. One shot, standard milk with a single sugar, nothing fancy. It give me a good feel between good cafe and bad cafe, good beans vs bad beans and good baristas vs bad ones.

I have to say that our coffee here are pretty good compare with Hong Kong, Singapore, London and Paris. Or maybe I just don't know where to find good cafes while I am aboard. :eek: