COVID-19: who’s going full doomsday prep on this?

I've had similar sentiments whilst being exposed to the breathless hysteria of STOP ALL EVENTS CLOSE OUR BOARDERS (sic) - and feel the Federal Government (of whom I credit very, very little) have had a reasonably measured response so far, especially with a lot of the stimulus package.

But it seems the horse has well and truly bolted now, the shift I've seen in the last 24 hours is a contagion of full bore panic mode seemingly everywhere, including from a lot of people who should know better. Where has our ability to critically think gone?
Did you read that article @johnny went to all the trouble of posting here, in detail?

The only way to contain a pandemic like this is the slow down & shut down transmission, It is possible to slow the transmission - short term pain for long term gain.

Anyone who thinks these measures are over the top doesn't understand the mechanisms of their requirement.
You can't make this stuff up

No superannuation and no toilet paper.. I'm fucked.
@johnny this is your fault WHY DID YOU START THIS THREAD?????

You but you have an abundance of chili...with a good chili spray you'll be safe from marauders.

You can't make this stuff up

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Just remember that a WA doctor recently suspected they had the virus and still figured it was ok for them to see patients while awaiting their test results.

...and people are really sad about the risk to their footballs.
If current predictions stand true it's going to be very interesting times ahead. The financial impact of cancellations with major events will be the tip of the iceberg and when big, then medium then small business having to close their doors for weeks on end the economy is going to fail spectacularly. Flight Centre have already pulled the pin on 100 stores today, which can't be coincidence.
$25k will simply not be anywhere enough for business to remain viable which will flow on to job losses, which in turn will see houses being foreclosed and housing price crashes again just being the start of the financial downturn.

Dont worry about recession, worry about a depression.

The impact on the health sector is almost immesureable and it has been so understaffed and underfunded for decades there simply wont be enough staff or resources to treat everyone, or hardly anyone if it really kicks off.

It would take a truly brave government to do it, but I think the only real solution to save a country from financial ruin is to simply just go with it and dont bother with the quarantine, just be business as usual, treat it like a virus and pump every dollar and cent into healthcare and try and save every life you can with the realisation that you may lose thousands, or tens or thousands of lives.

Surely this is better than seeing thousands or tens of thousands broke and homeless people including families and those that do survive are potentially financially ruined for their and maybe the next generation.

Just offering food for thought before Johnny posts a 6 page reply.
One advantage of growing super poor is that you know how to live on not much money. My toy collection will be trimmed but I’ll be fine.
I don't know, I'd rather be broke than dead. Being dead would severely curtail my riding, but being broke would give it a boost.
ah yes, that reminds me.

The coronavirus is only a concern for the elderly and those with underlying health problems so being dead, isn't going to be a concern for almost everyone. You don't see Tom Hanks freaking the fuck out about it, it's nothing more than a mild inconvenience.

If you wanted to be really cruel about it, the virus impacts those who are a drain on the financial and health systems already and with overpopulation would be almost effective as a major war on the economy.