COVID-19: who’s going full doomsday prep on this?

So COVID related but also a quick question. The big boss is supposed to visit our office in SA from NSW. Not sure why the urgency but I expressed concern as positive case from a plane from NSW today. No dramas can work from home. Ok, but staff Christmas do on Friday of the same week so if someone has COVID going to spread it anyway.

Do I become a hermit and stay at home, just say fcuk it and go to work as normal and hope no COVID. Ugh…reckon we have a few more years of this crap.
So COVID related but also a quick question. The big boss is supposed to visit our office in SA from NSW. Not sure why the urgency but I expressed concern as positive case from a plane from NSW today. No dramas can work from home. Ok, but staff Christmas do on Friday of the same week so if someone has COVID going to spread it anyway.

Do I become a hermit and stay at home, just say fcuk it and go to work as normal and hope no COVID. Ugh…reckon we have a few more years of this crap.
I feel you. Work organised Christmas party for our small team of 7 or so is going to be in a bar in Docklands (Melb). It'll doubtless be packed to the max, so I am not particularly keen (I want to have a Christmas do with my colleagues, but don't want to anywhere near the city - especially as every other company will be meeting/mixing/partying for Christmas). But all the people I see in my office everyday will be going anyway, so damned if I do and damned if I don't. Might as well and go and get some free bevs and then prepare for 10 days (+) at home to recover. :rolleyes:
I feel you. Work organised Christmas party for our small team of 7 or so is going to be in a bar in Docklands (Melb). It'll doubtless be packed to the max, so I am not particularly keen (I want to have a Christmas do with my colleagues, but don't want to anywhere near the city - especially as every other company will be meeting/mixing/partying for Christmas). But all the people I see in my office everyday will be going anyway, so damned if I do and damned if I don't. Might as well and go and get some free bevs and then prepare for 10 days (+) at home to recover. :rolleyes:

It sucks. I am only new to the business (2nd week) biggest concern is bringing COVID home and kids getting it as too young to get the 5G boost. I guess no different to going to the shops and grabbing the weekly shop, where and who have they been mingling with.

Time to build a bunker and pop out in several years from now like that Brendan Fraser movie.
Went to enrol The Lad at the high school for next year today. As reported earlier, our town is in the middle of its first outbreak. The church school is closed, the public school is virtually empty (despite this, The Lad was there...) and so was the high school...WTF? I'm fairly sure that at least 85% of our mob over 12 is pretty much vaccinated and yet most of them are keeping their kids home?

Oh...hang on. No they're not. They've palmed them off to grandparents or some other family member with 'free time' while they go to work and now the little blighters are wandering around the supermarket and main drag...and I've never seen the local Lotto outlet so busy with not children.

We are all idiots and we get whatever we deserve..
I feel you. Work organised Christmas party for our small team of 7 or so is going to be in a bar in Docklands (Melb). It'll doubtless be packed to the max, so I am not particularly keen (I want to have a Christmas do with my colleagues, but don't want to anywhere near the city - especially as every other company will be meeting/mixing/partying for Christmas). But all the people I see in my office everyday will be going anyway, so damned if I do and damned if I don't. Might as well and go and get some free bevs and then prepare for 10 days (+) at home to recover. :rolleyes:
Your not going next Friday are you? My work is having theirs there next Friday, I’ve said I’m going currently still in two minds not really the social butterfly. Some of the people I work with are good people but some of the others shit me then there’s the whole Covid shit as well. Free beer is good but I get that anyway, but a side serving of Covid not so good.
Your not going next Friday are you? My work is having theirs there next Friday, I’ve said I’m going currently still in two minds not really the social butterfly. Some of the people I work with are good people but some of the others shit me then there’s the whole Covid shit as well. Free beer is good but I get that anyway, but a side serving of Covid not so good.
Nah ours is on a Sunday (I think).

PS: @moorey says “You’re”. :p
So I really nutted out everywhere I went and and what I did in the time frame I would have picked up my dose of Rona. Not much else to do. We are pretty sure the most likely scenario was a fancy little restaurant in the city. We were there for a good 2.5 hours. It’s one of those tight little cramped spots and I was really surprised just how tight the tables were packed in but figured they’d done their homework. They made sure we were double vax. The waitstaff were super attentive and were hovering around constantly which was great but I remember staring up at them about a million times. So with that and the close proximity of the other customers who where all more or less on the same sitting as us so we were all there together it just seems the most likely place to pick it up.
At any rate I don’t think I’d be going to any Xmas dos at clubs or small function rooms in a hurry. I reckon I’d probably have an unexpected case of the runs or something.
So I really nutted out everywhere I went and and what I did in the time frame I would have picked up my dose of Rona. Not much else to do. We are pretty sure the most likely scenario was a fancy little restaurant in the city. We were there for a good 2.5 hours. It’s one of those tight little cramped spots and I was really surprised just how tight the tables were packed in but figured they’d done their homework. They made sure we were double vax. The waitstaff were super attentive and were hovering around constantly which was great but I remember staring up at them about a million times. So with that and the close proximity of the other customers who where all more or less on the same sitting as us so we were all there together it just seems the most likely place to pick it up.
At any rate I don’t think I’d be going to any Xmas dos at clubs or small function rooms in a hurry. I reckon I’d probably have an unexpected case of the runs or something.
The issue for me is all my coworkers will be going anyway. If they catch it I’ll see them at work for a few days before they even know they have it. I’m still in two minds really. Probably do what I normally do, and decide on the day, haha.
So I really nutted out everywhere I went...

Dude! I am all for busting a nut, but everywhere? Some times you gotta keep it under control. Maybe just nut it out in a few of the places you go.

Are the symptoms nearly gone? Taste back yet? Imagine if the fancy restaurant is the last time you taste such food because in the fancy restaurant you caught the taste killing bug! Isn't it unironic?

The issue for me is all my coworkers will be going anyway. If they catch it I’ll see them at work for a few days before they even know they have it. I’m still in two minds really. Probably do what I normally do, and decide on the day, haha.

Just go and have a good time... unfortunately you'll either catch it at the party or from them a few days later or at the supermarket or post office or police station and so on. It's out there, take the precautions and hopefully you stay away from it.
I don’t know if lucky and vaccinated are the same thing.

Vaxed people have different symptoms and the length of time till feeling back at 100%.
Probably more genetics, diet, fitness and health of immune system than luck.

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) said B.1.1.529 had a spike protein that was dramatically different to the original coronavirus variant the vaccines were based on.

It said it had mutations that were likely to evade the immune response generated both by prior COVID-19 infection and vaccination.


The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) said B.1.1.529 had a spike protein that was dramatically different to the original coronavirus variant the vaccines were based on.

It said it had mutations that were likely to evade the immune response generated both by prior COVID-19 infection and vaccination.

Wooooo. Work from home on the horizon again
"More infectious and resistant to vaccines". That's what we call a win-win right there. Good thing we've spent the last couple of years building a safe and efficient quarantine system just in case something totally unpredictable like this were to happen... (too much sarcasm?).

Nah man, people will quarantine at home :)