COVID-19: who’s going full doomsday prep on this?

What's the point? The government doesn't care anymore, you don't have to isolate or lockdown unless you want to, I doubt many employers are offering a special leave for covid victims, and the WHO recently declared it over. As with any communicable illness as long as you do the right thing by everyone and stay home etc while you're unwell, does it really matter if you have covid, eye warts, or throat measles?
I don't want to risk giving it to my mum that's 87, and also spread it to other people if I can help it.
I don't want to risk giving it to my mum that's 87, and also spread it to other people if I can help it.

I assume you would feel the same for other similar illness, like flu varieties? I think the covid plague has helped a lot of us realise it is a good idea to stay home when sick.

When I had it I only tested as I was lined up to look after my mum post medical procedure for a few days and she looks after her mum a bit, and I wasn't keen to spread it around. In the end super gran caught it off her hair dresser and (at 92 with asthma and a pacemaker) didn't realise she had it until she was told to get tested etc. But contrast she has been hospitalized with the seasonal flu a few times over the last 5 years.
I've got a few mates who've completely lost the plot over this. Completely obsessed with being scammed, labelling everyone 'sheeple' via the old 'I told you so' mantra, posting pics of supposed chemtrail-dispersing planes, espousing the strength of their 'research'. One is a 60 year old stoner who lives with his parents, the other was a very close friend who literally cannot have a conversation without discussing the scam, the hoax, the conspiracy. Reminds me of a crossfitter.....
I've got a few mates who've completely lost the plot over this. Completely obsessed with being scammed, labelling everyone 'sheeple' via the old 'I told you so' mantra, posting pics of supposed chemtrail-dispersing planes, espousing the strength of their 'research'. One is a 60 year old stoner who lives with his parents, the other was a very close friend who literally cannot have a conversation without discussing the scam, the hoax, the conspiracy. Reminds me of a crossfitter.....

I've got a few mates who've completely lost the plot over this. Completely obsessed with being scammed, labelling everyone 'sheeple' via the old 'I told you so' mantra, posting pics of supposed chemtrail-dispersing planes, espousing the strength of their 'research'. One is a 60 year old stoner who lives with his parents, the other was a very close friend who literally cannot have a conversation without discussing the scam, the hoax, the conspiracy. Reminds me of a crossfitter.....
That's when you tell them that you've had enough and will kill them with your 5G phone. :D
That's when you tell them that you've had enough and will kill them with your 5G phone. :D
It's actually quite sad. The non-stoner one is a long-standing friend and really decent human, and was of great support to my sons when their mum passed away in 2020. The boys turn 18 next week and they don't want a bar of him anymore. As for the stoner, well, the first time they met him, C says 'He looks like one of those old losers that has too many bongs and still lives with his mum and dad'. Yes son, he does......!
I've got a few mates who've completely lost the plot over this. Completely obsessed with being scammed, labelling everyone 'sheeple' via the old 'I told you so' mantra, posting pics of supposed chemtrail-dispersing planes, espousing the strength of their 'research'. One is a 60 year old stoner who lives with his parents, the other was a very close friend who literally cannot have a conversation without discussing the scam, the hoax, the conspiracy. Reminds me of a crossfitter.....
could be a militant vegan "sovereign citizen" crossfitter...
It's actually quite sad. The non-stoner one is a long-standing friend and really decent human, and was of great support to my sons when their mum passed away in 2020. The boys turn 18 next week and they don't want a bar of him anymore. As for the stoner, well, the first time they met him, C says 'He looks like one of those old losers that has too many bongs and still lives with his mum and dad'. Yes son, he does......!
I don't think they have a general demographic, I've got a childhood friend that is a school teacher and was about to throw their job in after 20 years because they wouldn't allow him back to work without covid shots, then his dad was put into an aged care facility, not knowing how much further he would live and they refused him access as well for the same thing. The sister of this friend works high up in the Qld department for mental health and pretty much held off to the very end also.
I don't think they have a general demographic, I've got a childhood friend that is a school teacher and was about to throw their job in after 20 years because they wouldn't allow him back to work without covid shots, then his dad was put into an aged care facility, not knowing how much further he would live and they refused him access as well for the same thing. The sister of this friend works high up in the Qld department for mental health and pretty much held off to the very end also.

I know a few teachers who either lost their jobs, or chose to resign, rather than have the jab. One in particular I'd been friends with for 30 years wiped me because I'm the 'poster child for ignorance' due to not wanting to listen to a podcast she sent me.