A mate had a stack on G1 in the gully. He didn't quite make it up the other side, tried to step off and there was nothing for him to step onto and he tumbled into the scrub. Lucky just a few scrapes.
I think I did the same thing! Not the main 'drop' but the 2nd one. Didn't quite have enough speed and was too close to the inside line. Foot came off and there was nowhere for it to go. I think I was lucky that I was still clipped in with my right leg and so get tangles with the bike and didn't fall too far. It was like clay though so got filthy.
I took a "mental health*" day on Thursday and went out there. Lovely day for riding and I had a blast. Everyone involved has done a great job with the trails and setup, and it looks like it should be a great spot for a long time. I saw at least 30-40 across the trails and the carpark ranging from about 15-65 so if it's like that on a random Thursday I imagine they'll doing crazy traffic come school holidays and warmer weather.
I got a real 'Rotoroua' vibe at times climbing through the pines in silence, which was very nice
There was a lot more climbing than I was anticipating (although that's on me for not really looking at the trails beforehand). 700m of climbing in 20km is a lot for me and my legs were pretty cooked by the end of it.
Stared on G9 which was fun but I'm not much of a jumper so it was all pretty tame. Some of the take-offs seemed weird but I wasn't trying to get much air off them. Manged to case most of the doubles I attempted

it did very much feel like a trail for people who know how to jump, rather than people looking to learn or improve.
After climbing G7 for the second time I decided that I sucked at G9 there was no point in attempting G2, so did G1 instead. The progression of this from the blue G9 was bloody steep and I'd be interested to know how many people it catches out, because once you start it you are committed. Was a very good trail, even with the crash I mentioned above and really good for working on your technical riding skills. It's crazy just how difference the dirt is between this and the jump track right next to it.
Climbed G4 twice to do G3 and G6. Honestly don't remember G3 (i think it was pretty quick with some nice berms?) and G6 was a fun little trail, but it doesn't really go anywhere or have an standout features. It kind of feels like it should a progression trail leading up to G2.
After that climbed a fire-road back up the link track (G10?) and then across to W6 which was probably actually my favorite trail. Once you've ridden it a few times I imagine it would be super fast, but there's enough to keep you on your toes while trying to find the best lines.
Climbed back up W3, which had a few good technical climbing features and that's when I realised my legs were cooked and I was running low on water. So came back down W2, back along the link track and down G7 which I think my youngest is going to love.
Will probably skip the gravity section on my next visit so I can spend some more time on the W trails and also get across to Cosgroves. Am keen to give G2 another few runs now that I know what is involved.
Certainly a place that is worth the 90 minute commute
*this is where you work until 1am before hand so all your work is done