Here's 2 pictures I took around the 20/12/21, when we came back around 5/1/22 there were no spaces for us anywhere in Derby so we went to Branxholm, which was no big deal for us as we have spent a lot of time in Derby over the years.
First pic - The caravan was next door to me, the bloke told me he was only there for the night to drop off the van, his missus would be there Boxing day and he would join them for New Year. Dropped off on the 19th/20th Dec.
Second pic - These 2 tents were empty from the 14th Dec till we left on the 22nd Dec.
I didn't take a picture of the biggest laugh, some silly chunt pitched a massive dome tent right over the entrance to the river at the far south-east side of the park (25m further on past the van pic), that blew down on a stormy night around the 19th and got rained on, when we left 3 days later, it was still flat as a pancake and full of water. This blocked anyone using the grassy area beyond the massive hotel sized dome tent.
I hope they enforce the $20 a night in a few months after a trial period as it will stop these selfish chunts taking up space where a interstate/local family comes and rides, eats, drinks, shuttles and spends money in the town. The caravan site is full of tents but half empty with people.
The big problem being, there is no other option in Derby but to use the free sites, if there was, we would book and pay ~$50 a night no worries for a guaranteed site with showers, toilets and amenities.
We no longer have a van but I think its great thing and hope the next step is to mark the sites and charge per site.
My next trip there is in November for a week but staying in accommodation.