Food/Diet DIY energy bars


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Thought I'd get the ball rolling... I've been experimenting with making my own energy bars for some upcoming 12/24hr races.
So far my recipe goes like this:
1 cup oats
1 cup of cereal (Be natural: Pink lady, flame raisin & fruit flakes is my choice atm but feel free to experiment)
About half cup maple/golden syrup or similar and big tablespoon peanut butter.
I've also been experimenting with adding chop chips, dried fruit and nuts in varying amounts.

It's quite simple to make, mix oats and cereal in bowl, mix then heat the peanut butter and syrup up in microwave till pours easily, pour over oats/cereal mix and stir it up. Once mixed pack mixture FIRMLY into square/rectangle container/baking tray and slap it in fridge for 15-20mins to set. I like to chop them up into about 3x3 cm squares which from my gestimations gives you around 200 calories of a mixture of high and low GI carbs, a bit of protein with only a small amount of fat.

So far on my training rides they have worked well. Anyone else had a go at anything similar? got any recipes or tips?
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Flapjacks are where its at! My Auntie still makes them for my brother and i on our european adventures (although his girlfriend once did have a go and ended up making curry flavoured ones - wierd!)

Google flapjack recipes and you will see what im talking about.
Thought I'd get the ball rolling... I've been experimenting with making my own energy bars for some upcoming 12/24hr races.
So far my recipe goes like this:
1 cup oats
1 cup of cereal (Be natural: Pink lady, flame raisin & fruit flakes is my choice atm but feel free to experiment)
About half cup maple/golden syrup or similar and big tablespoon peanut butter.
I've also been experimenting with adding chop chips, dried fruit and nuts in varying amounts.

It's quite simple to make, mix oats and cereal in bowl, mix then heat the peanut butter and syrup up in microwave till pours easily, pour over oats/cereal mix and stir it up. Once mixed pack mixture FIRMLY into square/rectangle container/baking tray and slap it in fridge for 15-20mins to set. I like to chop them up into about 3x3 cm squares which from my gestimations gives you around 200 calories of a mixture of high and low GI carbs, a bit of protein with only a small amount of fat.

So far on my training rides they have worked well. Anyone else had a go at anything similar? got any recipes or tips?

I do this but also add a massive amount of protein powder, very easy and really hard to stuff up, I also use milk to make it workable then lay on grease proof paper on a baking tray and bake for for around 15 minutes until firm
What about adding MCT oil to the mix for longer events?

I made some little cookies up for a 24hr race 2 years ago with MCT instead of butter, seemed to work well but i had forgotten about them.... made with oats, flour, bannanas and some dried apricot, grated apple, sultanas etc...

Just put the extras in the freezer until you need them.
have a quick read of this
I first tried the dates on a 7hr ride and was surpirsed. While some of his stuff is 'interesting', this is one that is worth a read.

Good read, would be good for racing, My problem would be, while you are burning energy you are also loosing weight, I dont mind being fit but i dont want to look like "Steve" Moneghetti Hence the carbs, some fat and protien i like to add, I dont loose 4 Kilo's by the end of week using protein, carbs and some good fats
Ceoliac friendly tip. Replace Oats with quinoa flakes. Replace milk with boiling water and combine everything. lay on well greased tray.

I drop honey and add half to a cup of dried dates.

Typically use a dried fruit and nut mix of some sort.

and a small amount of flour to hold it all together. havent got that chew/crunch/palatbility perfect yet. Coming close though.
I got this recipe off Cycling Tips website, its not to bad but i wouldnt put pumpkin seeds in next time.

Cocaine Bars Recipe

1 cup Sesame seeds
2 cups Almond meals
4 cups Rolled oats
1 cup Pine nuts
1 cup Pumpkin seeds
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup Currents
1 cup Cranberries
1 cup Apricots
1 cup Figs

Favorite Jam 500g jar
½ cup Honey
250g Butter
4 table spoons Cinnamon

Preheat over at 180°c

Combine dried ingredients in a big bowl. Place mixed dried ingredients in a food processor and process until combined dried ingredients become size of small sands or couscous in size.

Melt butter in a sauce pan on medium heat then add honey, jam and cinnamon. Mix thoroughly then remove from heat.

Combine wet ingredients with processed dried ingredients. Place mixtures in a lined baking tin with baking paper. Lightly press mixtures down with a wooden spoon or clean hand. Bake in over for 30 minutes or until golden brown.

Allow cake to cool then cut into bars and wrap individual bar in tin foil.

Note: You can substitute any of the above ingredients with our own favorites.

Disclaimer: The author is not responsible for any performance enhancement substitutes. Do not strap any Cocaine bars to your body. Death penalty will be incurred if caught with Cocaine bars in most Asian countries.
I used the OPs recipe*king-licious.

I totally agree with that. I made some last night with Almonds mixed in, they were great. This morning I cut the bar into small squares and toasted them in the oven. Already eaten a few, if I have any left by tomorrow I will try them when riding.
Use the oats from Aldi's store brand , the fruit nut and nut mix one, Big packet for about $3.00. Cannot go wrong
I have been experimenting with different combos.
Half golden syrup and half imitation maple syrup works well.
I also just use muesli (natural aussie farmers but any would do) and oatclusters from sanitarium 1 cup of each.
Extra choc chips and and extra nutty peanut butter help too.
Muy delicioso!