Donate and help out a disabled a local mtb rider


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Hey All.

Long time close friend of mine and good riding buddy Michael Blyth recently suffered a devastating injury whilst riding about a month ago. A fractured and dislocated spine has left Mike with what could be a life in a wheelchair. Mike has a inspiring attitude at the darkest times, and his humour and positivity help get him through. Luckily Mike still has his arms, but can't feel or move from the ribs down.

mike talbot corridor.jpg

Apart from the physical and emotional damage that something like this causes, the financial strain on him and his family is huge; special car, house modifications and extensions, rehab, hopsital fees and more are burden that we are trying to ease.

I've set up this fundraiser, in the hope that the wider community can help support Mike and his family in these times.

Thanks to those who have contributed in some way already, and any offer is appreciatted and none to small.
All donations are paid straight to Mike, and are comission free.

Thanks for your time and genorosity.

Donations can be made here:

Jack O'Hare
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Chase that feeling!

Hey Jack.
Very good of you to support your mate. It takes a very strong character to watch a friend go down and still stick by him. I can tell you from a very similar experience of mine that having people such as you around the hospital bed is what will speed up Michael's recovery and get him through some of the darker days.

I know it's still early days for everyone and there's still a lot of emotional and physical rehab that needs doing, but I want to share my recent mission to help people with similar injuries return to off-road riding :
Michael will need some time to get life back on track first (all the things you mentioned, plus some), but please let him know that whether or not he gets back on his legs, his riding days are not over!!!

If he wants to know anything, and I mean anything, about SCI or just wants someone to chat with then he can contact me directly through my web page/Facebook.

Again, what you're doing is a very noble thing and everyone should support Michael and the family where possible. Well done, Jack.


Likes Dirt
Done, donation on the way. I know Mikey, he's a really good egg. Suck's to know that bad things happen to good people.


Likes Dirt
Just wanted to bump this thread to get it back out there. A real good nut, who shares our passion, in need of a little help. Cheers Burners!


Likes Bikes and Dirt
just heard him interviewed on ABC radio melbourne 774.

Website: radio

His website.

could be one of us very easily. would be good to organize an event as fund raiser.


I don't know if it's of any help but if they need any material donations as well, have you heard of freecycle? There's a number of different groups. If they're in Melbourne there might be a local group (ie: Darebin) as well as the group the Melbourne group which covers the entire urban area. Hope he's doing ok.