down by the river. college gap, geewong

that is one very sweet gap, i have to say i m inpired to hit something like that lately...(matter of finding the place)
Props for doing it, that air time must be awesome...
love the tweak that shows the lil control over the drop.
hahaha I've said it before, but I can't believe you'd look at that and go "hmm, that looks like an awesome thing to ride my bike off".... respect, that's huge.
very nice Rob and GUS

that gap has been made several time and the council keeps pulling down all the stuff along the river!!

my morphine is nearly done so i will out there riding the awsome kickers you guys have rebuilt

stacka said: disappointed in you..........why was I not informed!!! nah props man, what happened to mega drop zone? abandoned mission? i hope not. anyhow, next session gice me a buzz and ill come for a huck. sick gap.

yea sorry dude, we only made it last friday and hit it on sunday. its only something to do in the meantime while we get mega dropzone sorted.. bit of a warm up for the big 40footer, we might even hit it up this w/e coming! ill keep u informed bud..
i say we bomb the council ;)

gus: have you seen/ hit the drops next to my place, (near collage) there are 2 that are about 12 foot high and go down past the building sight to the bridge,

there a bit overgrown, but still good!
jono_kona said:
i say we bomb the council ;)

gus: have you seen/ hit the drops next to my place, (near collage) there are 2 that are about 12 foot high and go down past the building sight to the bridge,

there a bit overgrown, but still good!

yea i've seen 'em. i wouldnt say they are 12ft high though dude...
if you hit it fast you could come close to 11-12 foot.......

what else is new in geelong???

have you seen the north shore track.....
these two gaps at college are the newest things at the moment, the northshore doesnt really look too ridable so i havent been there in ages.. there isnt too many tracks around anymore, i re-discovered the enjoyment of the old devo Dh track.. its good to hit flat out!
i think we might re-build the nacker gaps again and i wouldnt mind scoping out a line over the deviation Rd! that would be one for the future though, its farkin big and that guard rail on the side of the road could cause some grief..
that is huge gap gus. i going to have to come down and see it one day. the smaller one looks pretty sick. everytime i drive up that hill i always thought if there was gaps and stuff along there. wicked to that there is.

cheers patto
fastrider gus said:
i wouldnt mind scoping out a line over the deviation Rd! that would be one for the future though, its farkin big and that guard rail on the side of the road could cause some grief..

That is seriously crazy, not to mention probably having to hit nacker gap on the runout. As for College Gap, last time I was up there there wasnt a kicker there, you guys work fast! Awesome stuff.
dylma said:
oh yeh, the guy in the last photo on the right looks just a little bogan

What the fuk man, yeh so wat if i am a bogan.
bet ur sum pretty boy faggot who goes round wearin
his pink ralph lauren polo!
Anyway mad effort gus it will be awsum wen u hit up
mega drop zone
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yeah i did it this afternoon.
i got 1 film but you cant see it because it was getting dark,
but every 1 was there, its so good, biggest rush, the sound of rushing air is awsome.

norco pride!